Shawn Bolz with Bob Jones:
I continue to be amazed by the number of hearts and lives that are already being impacted by The Call Nashville and The Summer of Real Love Tour. Tens of thousands of people are already registered from countries around the world!
We want to pass along some recent information about 07.07.07 The Call Nashville concerning shofars.
We will do our best to continue to pass along information about this amazing move of God. I hope you will be able to join us in Nashville!
Forever Praising,
Ray Hughes
Many people have been asking if they are allowed to bring shofars to The Call.
Shofars WILL be allowed into LP Field on 7-7-07. Upon arriving at the stadium, you may proceed through any gate of entry. Security will ask to check your shofar. Please know that this is standard operating procedure.
This is a will be a strategic and coordinated release of the shofar, a powerful spiritual instrument as we know you understand. Please resist the urge to blow your shofar at any time other than specifically instructed from the platform.
The spiritual importance of this request will be explained from the platform on 7-7-07.
GIDEON'S ARMY - 300 Men With Shofars
A Special Call
In Judges 7:7, the Lord uses 300 men with shofars to deliver the enemies of Israel into their hands.
In the same manner of spiritual strategy and obedience, we are calling 300 men with shofars to be a part of a special group who will be asked to stand on 7-7-07 and be used by the Lord to blow the shofar in a strategic release of sound, praise, and obedience.
We are calling forth 300 men who can stand as follows:
-You have a passion for the Lord and to see Him impact our nation through The Call.
-You can walk under authority and strategic direction on the day of The Call.
-You are prepared to pray Judges 6, 7, & 8, and to fast in preparation to serve the Lord in this way.
If you would like to stand as part of this special group, please email Miles Wiley-Albright at miles@hiwaay.net.
Join 300 Men with Shofars!
By Bob Jones
In 1989 the Lord gave me a vision that out of Nashville would come "a shot heard around the world." It would start a revolution to bring liberty and a new freedom to the Church in America.
Because of this "shot heard around the world," the "Minute Men" would rise up—young people who would begin to set this nation free. They would go to the city and also to the open fields where they meet together and have many different bands playing different types of music.
This music will touch people and will raise up these "Minute Men" who cannot be stopped, for they will be youth with a vision, and they will go throughout the world.
And it will bring forth the greatest harvest that has ever been known. It will begin the harvest of one billion youth coming to the Lord in these coming days, which has already started. We will see the greatest harvest of all time taking place in America. It will be on the streets, it will be in the parks, it will be wherever youth gather together, for this music will reveal salvation and a new awakening to the presence of the Lord.
This is the year of the golden throats, and you will have anointed music like you have never seen before and the arts of all types. The next two years are to prepare for the Lord's Woodstock.
Forty years ago, the heathen had their Summer of Love—or Lust—in San Francisco. My Daddy can outdo that. I believe you are going to have the Summer of Love in San Francisco.
What He is about to do is so far above our faith and our belief. There has never been a time like this in history! Get ready for the Church to get saved. Get ready for the songs of God to come in. He's calling all ages to be involved.
Bob Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob Jones
By Shawn Bolz
We are in a season of massive change in the Spirit, and many are being relocated or properly placed into the destiny that generations of Christians have prayed into! This means we are going to be the fulfillment of much prayer. There has never been such a great invitation on a single generation!
In January this year, I had an angelic visitation in which an angel came to me who looked differently than anyone I had ever seen. He looked like he had the ability to perform any type of miracle, sign and wonder, power manifestation that could be imagined. I don't know how to explain this, but he actually wore garments that made him look like a miracle worker. His whole being exuded raw power. It would have intimidated me if He didn't have so much kindness in His eyes. He asked, "Do you want to do the greater works?" (John 14:12).
At once, everything inside me cried out, "Yes!"
"Then you need the greater love," he replied.
Jesus actually heard the Father's voice; He was filled with desires that came only from Heaven. When He promised us that we would do greater works than He ever did, He was establishing something that God wants our whole generation to understand. For us to do the greater works, we are going to receive a greater capacity to hear the Father's voice and to do what He is doing, and we need to live out of that greater love. I came to realize that Jesus, as a human here on earth, had an incredible relationship with the Father, but we have even better access to a relationship with the Father because of the Cross.
"God's Summer of Love" is a re-awakening of the culture of love. Most people, even in the Church, can't relate to this, but God is bringing a culture of affection and love that will change those touched by it. I believe that during this summer, people will be in a Heavenly atmosphere that infuses them with an impartation of love!
I've talked to people that were there in San Francisco in 1967 at the first "Summer of Love." They said the conditions were miserable but that it was a mesmerizing experience. The music would start and something inside them would stir...
During this time, a subculture of people were so different (and even sometimes offensive) to society that the news media couldn't help but report about them. They were seen in almost every home in the nation because of the fascination with their dress, hair, behavior, music, art and the message that all of these were imparting into the culture. What if a generation of people began to embrace the greater love in such a way that it could be seen in their dress, music, art, and the very atmosphere in which they were living their lives? What would happen if that culture was the very essence of God's love manifest? Would we again see a subculture hit mainstream in America?
Part of what made that first "Summer of Love" so powerful was that people had a sense of love and community and were experiencing what it was like to be part of a family even though it was distorted. The family structure in America at that time was so controlling and harsh that you couldn't tell people your problems; everything had to look good. There was a whole broken generation under a spirit of control. Suddenly young people cried out, "We're tired of faking it...we're tired of unreality. We're gonna go away to get freedom."
It was a cry of revolution, and instead of answering it, the Church ignored it and pretended that it didn't exist. We're in another day where a whole generation is saying, "I want something that is so new, so different that I never look like what was before." That's not rebellion; that's revolution. Though the original Summer of Love was birthed out of a spirit of rebellion with some revolution in it, what if God was imparting His heart into a generation who had a heart for revolution without rebellion in it—a generation that began to say, "Thank you for paying a price, but we want the 'new' that God wants to give us. We don't want to do things the way they have been done. We don't want to look the same. We want to learn from what was before us, but we don't want to repeat it!" This could be the generation most abandoned to God if we just respond to it.
I believe "God's Summer of Love" is happening because we're in a season of an unprecedented harvest of prodigals...those who've left the Church and those who've never been saved. When they come in, we must embrace them and be authentic with them. The last thing they need is another dose of religion. What they're hungry to see is the reality of Love in our lives, and that it's possible to be in relationship with our Father in a way that's deeper than anything they ever dreamed of.
It's not about the greater works; it's about the greater love. Will you take on the greater love so you can do the greater works?
Shawn Bolz
Director, Expression 58
Email: office@expression58.org
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