Sunday, December 31, 2006


Of all the character qualities that Jesus could have chosen to describe himself, why did He select "meekness" and "lowliness of heart"? He choose these qualities I believe because they perfectly describe His nature and ministry.

Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is submitting our strength to our Heavenly Father's control. I like to say meekness is power under control. Jesus demonstrated meekness when he determined to do nothing except the will of his Heavenly Father.
The Hebrew word for meekness is 'anavah, which come from a root word that has also been translated as abase self, chasen self, and humble self.

Jesus demonstrated meekness in the following ways.
1. He yielded his right to all the riches of heaven to be born into a poor family. His primary ministry was among the poor and needy. In fact the bible says in (II Cor. 8:9 and Ish 61:1) He came to preach the gospel to the meek.

2. He yielded his right to be everywhere (omnipresent) and subjected himself to the physical limitations of a body.

3. He yielded his right to his independence, an divine power, and was subject to his parents and to the government rulers who put him to death. (John 14:30-31, Luke 2:51, Ish. 53).

Taking on Christ's yoke means that we embrace his prospective about our lives. Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: Let Him be your example in humility: Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God, did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained. But stripped Himself of all privileges and rightful dignity, so as to assume the guise of a servant in that He became like men and was born a human being. And after He had appeared in human form. He abased and humbled himself still further and carried His obedience to the extreme of death even the death of the cross. (Amplified Phil. 2:5-8).

The rewards we will receive as we humble ourselves in demonstration of meekness will be
1. He will beautify the meek with salvation. (Ps. 149:4)
2. We will experience direction for daily decisions , because the meek will he guide in judgement and the meek will he teach his ways. (Ps. 25:9)
3. We will inherit the earth. In the sermon on the mount. Jesus said, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.(Matt. 5:5)

The blessings of meekness involves an inner tranquility of the spirit, soul and body. In 2007 Lets take on Christ yoke of a meek and quite spirit as we daily surrender our rights, and expectations to Him and learn HIS NATURE!!!


Friday, December 22, 2006

Don't be afraid to be up rooted

I would like to share an experience with you that I had this week that I believe God would have me to share for the encouragement of others. I have been battling for 3 years with my dentist on getting my wisdom teeth removed. Because the procedure was more then just pulling them I didn't like the thoughts of surgically removing them. Especially when they were not even hurting me. Well my dentist and I came to a agreement that I would have them out at the end of the year. So December 8th I went to the specialist and he had me watch a video of the procedure. Then the doctor begin to tell me all the bad things that could possible happen to me permanently. It didn't sound good, so for 14 days leading up to the removal I let my thought run wild. I repeated this bad report several times. December 21st came I went at 10:00am for the procedure. As the doctor put the IV in my arm I prayed and asked God to give the Doctor the wisdom he needed to do this surgery and to give me a quick easy recovery time. I woke up from surgery pretty out of it. The doctor told my daughter that it was a difficult procedure the roots to the teeth was wrapped around my jaw bones and he had to break the teeth up into pieces in order to get them out. I came home with strong pain medication. The rest of that day and evening wasn't very pleasant, but still wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My husband Dewey prayed several times though out the course of the evening alone with everyone Else's prayers that I am very thankful for. I went to bed last night and woke up today pain free. I have no bruising, and no permanent damage to feelings, or taste buds in which I give all the glory to God.
Today I was asking God what was the purpose in all of this. The scriptures say that the natural projects the spiritual. I believe all things happen for a reason. If we will ask God he will show us the purpose. Sometimes in life we get dealt a hand of bad circumstances. We can do one of two things. We can pray for God to remove the circumstance from us, or give us the strength to go through it. Jesus prayed in the garden "if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will" (Matt. 26:39). No matter what we go through in life He will never leave us nor forsake us. God showed me today that my teeth removal was like a parable. He wanted to use this parable to teach others about him. When we have sicknesses, addictions disease, anger or anything else that can be deep rooted in our lives. We can let our minds lie to us. The battlefield to every decision is in the mind. That why the bible talks about taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). The mind will tell you, you can never be delivered, healed, or set free and then start giving you the reasons why. Heart disease runs in our family, My Grandfather was a drinker, my father was a drinker, now I am a drinker and its in my blood to drink. I have had this addiction to long I can never break it. These are just some of the lies we except. So we do nothing about it. What we have to do is when we get those thought we have to counter attack them with truth. With God all things are possible. By His strips I am healed. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. It doesn't matter what it is or how long you have battled with it. Just like my wisdom teeth that had such long roots that they anchored themselves around my jaw bones that the surgeon had to take them out piece by piece. That's how good God is he is a gentle God. He will take things away from us piece by piece as He feels we can handle it until everything in our lives that does not represent Him is up rooted. So that all people will see is Christ. But we cant be afraid of the procedure God has to take us through. We have to trust Him. The great thing about it is that which we thought would be impossible or so terribly painful ends up being tolerable, and less painful with a shorter recovery time. So weather we pray and He takes the circumstance away, or if He chooses to give you the strength to go through. Either way give God the glory, and ask Him how you can share your experience to help encourage someone else. Seek Gods will and his timing for every decision in your life. His will and His timing go hand in hand. I have done things when I have know it was Gods will, but never took a thought about weather it was his timing and it was a rough road. But now I know the two go hand in hand and when I wait for both will, and timing things go a lot easier. Remember I told you I put off getting my teeth removed for 3 years, and now I felt that it was time. My girlfriend ask me the other day if I felt I need to go through this, and I told her yes. I know that it was Gods timing, because their are several couples that we know that have deep rooted issues in their lives, and now I will be able to share this experience with them that they may find the strength to go through and find the deliverance and healing that they need. Maybe your going through something in your life that is terrifying. Maybe it seems like their is no hope. I am here to tell you with God all things are possible. Put your hope, and trust in Him. When you are weak H will be strong in your life. Turn your life over to Him. Talk to Him. You have a purpose in this life. Your not here by accident, you are not a mistake as some might of told you. The bible saids when your Mother and Father forsakes you He will lift you up. He loves you with a everlasting love. Unconditional love. It doesn't matter what you have done or what you are doing right now. GOD LOVES YOU!!! His desire is that we all come to know him personally. And in knowing him personally He shows us what he is capable of, and that is giving us love, peace and joy. Being our healer, deliver, and provider. He fills a void in us nothing else can fill. That's because when He created you he left a place just for Him, because He new that one day you would invite him to fill that voided place in your life. Do it today. He will show you the way!!! God Bless You.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Create A Atmosphere For My Glory

The Lord has been speaking to me to create an atmosphere for His glory. I know if I were to ask anyone what this meant to them I would get many different opinions. I believe that is because the Lord reveals revelation to us at different times and seasons in our lives. So I would like to share the revelation that He gave me concerning Create an atmosphere for my glory.
First we must seek out what His glory means in order for us to create an atmosphere for it. So I went to the Greek and looked up glory and this is what I found.
1. Opinions, judgments, views
2. Opinions, estimate whether good or bad/ concerning someone
3. Splendor, brightness
4. Magnificence, excellence, dignity, grace majesty

I looked up what atmosphere means, and the Greek says it means vapor sphere. James 4:14 says we are just vapors I found that interesting. Roman 3:23 says “We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Remember that the glory means opinions, judgments, and views. How many of us when we see our brother or sister doing things that we know is not what is best for them instead of praying for them and encouraging them in the things of God, we place our opinions, judgments, or our views on their situation. This is what I believe this scripture is saying about falling short of the glory. God needs vessels in the earth that will not judge man according to their flesh, but will see them with the eyes of Christ, and encourage them and lift them up out of the pit of destruction that they are headed for or already in. We need to love them, and speak the truth of God to them even though it may hurt at the time. The truth is the only thing that will set them free the truth, Christ Jesus.
The Lord also took me over to James 4:14. This chapter confirmed to me what God was saying here about falling short. It begins talking about worldliness, its conflicts, lusts, and murder. It then talks about the consequences. Asking for things with wrong motives. Being a friend of the world making us an enemy of God. It talks about the cures. And how we need to submit to God. Resisting the devil and he will flee. Drawing near to God. And cleansing our hands. And last it talks about the characteristics. What does our character show? We should not speak against one another, we should not be a judge. It tells us that there is only one who is able to save or destroy. That we are just vapors, and that we should ask for his will to be done.
The scripture that just really stood out to me in this chapter was verse 14. “You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. We hear people use this scripture in reference to death being here today and gone tomorrow. In taking this whole chapter and dissecting it, this is my conclusion.
That God is trying to get us beyond ourselves and into his glory. But we cannot do things the way the world does things, or even the way some of the churches do things. We must submit to God. Draw near to Him. We must cleanse our hands. We need to walk in holiness. We have to stop speaking against and casting judgment on our brothers and sisters. We must want and seek diligent for His will for our lives. He is God, and He is the one that is able to save and destroy. When we begin to practice this we will become as vapors that appear for a little while and then vanish away. Because all the people will see is the brightness (Which was another one of the definitions of the glory). Shining forth into the darkness, and people will be drawn to this light, the light of glory. And lives will be touch changed and delivered. Its then we will see miracles happen right before our eyes. Because of the manifested presence of God in our mist. That’s why Moses said in (Ex 33) if your presence does not go with us do not lead us up from here. Moses new the importance of Gods presence. God told Moses that he would fulfill all the promises that he spoke to them. He told them He would continue to bless, protect and anoint. He even promised him an angel as his guide. But Moses wasn’t happy with that. I wonder if God offered his children those things today would they take the buy out. If he would allow us to have our ministries that were all powerful, blessed, protected and anointed. If he would take care of all our financial problems, give us breakthroughs when we needed them. Let us cast out devils, heal the sick and do all the kingdom things, would we be like Moses and say we are not satisfied. I must know you. Only God knows what we would say. I am not just saying having a daily conversation with Him, because Moses already had that. He had a close friendship with God. The Lord spoke to Moses face to face. Moses walked in things with God that we could only dream of. Yet he sat in Gods presence asking to know him more, and refusing to go without him. Moses really wanted to know God.
Moses asked God to “show me your glory”. He was asking Him to show me the inner reality of who you are. Let me know your character by revelation, not just head knowledge. When Gods glory falls in that way, we will ascend to a new level, and we will begin to see God in a knew way, and know Him as we never new Him before, by revelation.
We need to be satisfied with Him and nothing else. We need to keep first things first. Then all the other things will be added unto us. Then we will walk as manifested sons on the earth. Taking his glory everywhere he needs it to go by revelation, because we go know where and do nothing unless the Father is telling us to do it. It is Gods desire for us to be intimate with Him. Psalm 24: 4-5 says “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessings from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” God wants us to pursue godliness. Hebrew 12:14 says “Pursue peace with all people and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” If we want to see Gods glory fall we must have clean hands a pure heart and true godliness. Godliness is the glory of Jesus manifesting in our flesh. We need to talk, and act like Him in all we do and say. We need to behold his glory. This is how we keep from falling short. Beholding means to fix our eyes upon, to see, or to view. We need to fix our eyes upon Him the King of Glory. Then we will be transformed into his image and likeness. II Corinthians 3:18 says “But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as the spirit of the Lord.” The closer we get to God, the more the light of his glory exposes our darkness. It may not feel good, but God loves us enough not to leave us the same. He will transform us because He needs us to fulfill his plan on this earth. The bible says that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is going to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2: 14). People are going to know God through us. Sickness, and disease is going to leave people as God works his healing power through us. God is transforming us into vessels or containers that is going to carry his glory into the uttermost parts of the earth. We are becoming as vapors that appear for a little while and then vanish away, because all people will see is the brightness (which is another definition of the glory.) that is shining forth into the darkness of this world. Drawing ALL PEOPLE unto it. John 12:32 say “If I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to Myself.” So arise shine for the light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Let us all go forth praying and allowing his kingdom to come, and his will to be done, so the manifested glory of God can shine forth in our lives to touch the world for Him.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Heaven -N- 07 Vision


On May 18th 2006 I was awakened at 3:00am in which God spoke to me and told me to tell my nephew that it was going to be Heaven –N- 07. (Keep in mind that prophecy is not just for single interpretation). So if your spirit bears witness with this word, claim it for yourself. My nephew has gone through many circumstances, situations, and trials in the last nine years that should have taken him out of this realm. It is only the grace and mercy of God that he is still here today, thank God. I am sure that each one of us can relate to this one way or another. The only difference is that our circumstance and trials are different. We wonder at times if their will ever be an end to our trials. The answer is no, the scriptures say “ These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Sometimes when we stand and believe for so long, we get weary (II Thessalonians 3:13). But God, through his grace and mercy, carries us through because when we are weak, He is strong (II Corinthians 12:9-10). He gives us the strength to endure to the end (Matthew 10:22). End of what? The end of whatever you’re going through. Salvation is more than just saving us from a hell as some preach. God wants us saved from defeat during this life (John 10:10). He wants you safe from damnation here on earth. Safe from disease, addictions, depression, or whatever your circumstances are that are robbing your peace and joy in this

Life. I am here to tell you, God is your only refuge (Psalm 46:1).

The number seven is a very important number to God. It means completion, wholeness, fullness, and salvation. God created the earth in six days and on the seventh He rested. I believe that the year of 2007 is going to be a year of rest of all the things that we have labored and toiled in our past. God is going to lay them to rest. Does this mean that we’re not going to go through things anymore? No, it means things are not going to effect us the same way they effected us before. Things have shifted in the spirit. Time is being taken out of the equation. I believe the weeks, the months, the years of travailing in prayer has come to an end. The days are being shortened. I believe when we pray according to His will, we are going to see things happen more quickly, but we must believe. We can’t just be wishful or hopeful anymore. Wishing God would do it, and hoping God will do it, is not faith. Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that He will. When trials and circumstances come, we will stand in a place of peace (rest) and see the salvation of our God. Stand means to maintain position. To do nothing more than what the Father is telling us to do. No matter how foolish it may seem to others or ourself.

You are probably wondering how all that relates to Heaven –N- 07. Well, I am about to tell you. After the Lord spoke those words to me, I told God I didn’t have a problem telling my nephew what he wanting me to tell him, but I knew my nephew would think that he was going to die. So I asked God to give me something else to give him to assure him that death is not what this meant. And that is when He gave me Matthew 6:10. “Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. Then immediately I had a vision. I saw the earth and I saw this childlike angel come down and kiss the earth I knew in my spirit that this was an angel of peace. Then these words started resounding in my ears. Peace in Heaven, Peace on Earth. Joy in Heaven, Joy on Earth. No sickness, disease, additions, or debt in Heaven. No sickness, disease, additions, or debt on earth. Then I begin to see all these items flash before me. I asked God what does this mean? What does this have to do with Heaven -N- 07 and your kingdom coming to earth? He said, “This is the way I told my people to pray, and they are not doing it. My kingdom come my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As people begin to see and read my word on these items, it will bear witness with their spirit, I will confirm my word. People will believe, than they will begin to pray and speak this truth and it will bring life, and my kingdom will come and it will manifest in the earth. Selah

We need to repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand (Matthew 3:2). The kingdom is in our grasp, but we must grab a hold of the revelation. God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise (I Cor 1:17-27). Just like in the vision where the childlike angel came down and kissed the earth. We must have this childlike faith to believe. The scriptures say we must come unto Him as a little child. When a child is small they trust their father with their life. The father doesn’t have to earn their trust. Whatever the father tells them to do, they do it with no question. They trust and obey their father. Luke 10:19 say, “Behold I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you”. He said we have His power and His authority to go forth and declare and decree. He says the power of life and death is in our tongue. The kingdom of God is within us. It is time we quit letting circumstances mute us because we can’t see with the natural eye how God is going to get any glory from it. In revelation it says those that have an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying unto the church. We need an ear to hear what the father is asking of us, and then we need be obedient to what He is saying. So that He may be glorified through us. Matthew 7:21, Matthew 26:29, Luke 2:49, John 10:30, John 14:2, John 15:1, John 16:23, Eph. 4:6. So when we pray from this day forth let us begin to declare and degree Gods will be done in our earthen vessels first, and then to the uttermost parts of the earth. God is going to purify this earth with his fire so His glory can be manifested and cover the earth as the water covers the sea.I encourage you, if this at all bears witness with you spirit, some it will and some it won’t, and that’s ok. But if you are one that it does, I encourage you to get these items and help me distribute them out so we can get this word out to as many as will receive it, so that His kingdom can being to be established on earth. Let us all be unified together in our prayer as we pray as Jesus Christ taught us. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. (Matt 6:10). To all who will believe Lord let them receive HEAVEN – N – 07 for your glory Amen.

My First Post

This is my first post in the Heaven N 07 series. I plan to add my thoughts and my heart on this website. May God bless all my endeavors. Eileen