John Meyer:
"The Fruit & Gifts of the Spirit Intertwined in 2008--A Look at this Coming Year"
We are now approaching the New Year and an assessment of our individual lives has been going on. Many people have been going to the Lord in this season and have been asking Him to cleanse them deeply of anything that is hindering the flow of His Spirit. They are saying, "Lord, if that is what it will take, then do it!" Just before they walk out of their place of "furnace refinement," God is "brushing off" the ashes of their time well spent in the heat.
It is a time of coming out of the furnace without any of the remnants of defilement trying to hang on, as people walk out and into this New Year of destiny. They have learned well what the works of the flesh can do to the mind, spirit, soul and body. They know that they cannot return to such a place of torment and are determined to remain in obedience and discipline with the Lord. They have learned how to love through the pain and have told "resentment and bitterness" to "stay behind" as they are compelled by the Fruit of the Spirit and His heart of compassion to go forward. It is the time and year that they have been waiting to walk straight into.
A Year of the Kingdom in Operation and in Israel
This coming New Year will be one of many surprises for the Body of Christ and around the world. Yes, there will be conflicts and Middle East chaos as always, but let's take notice of Israel and the Church, as God is going to bring a bond like never before between the two. There will be such a love and adoration for Israel this coming year from the Gentile world that will be heard all over. In fact, there already has been a deep love that has stirred in the hearts of many for God's land and people, but now we are moving towards understanding their needs to the point of action.
I see people getting down into the dirt and removing the damage that has been done physically and spiritually to Israel. There will be assistance coming from all over the world to help this precious land that is so dear to God. It is action in the face of danger--not one of these lovers of Israel will say, "I'm scared." They will know when to move by the Wind of His Spirit, at the right moment, and in time to release what is needed.
There will also be prophetic voices coming directly from Israel stating what the needs are, and these voices will be heard! They will give much knowledge and wisdom in how to assist Israel, so that Israel can receive it in pure love.
Many people from around the globe will look at the Church and say, "What is going on there?" They will take notice in amazement at the moving, breathing and living organism called the Church, which will be doing what it was meant to, all along. People will take notice and be affected by the power of the Kingdom in operation by many individuals who have been through the training of the Lord. Peoples' hearts will be so full of desire for this place of Heavenly movement that they will begin to run towards it, crying, "Yes! Yes! Yes! This is it!"
It is the time where people who've had only "a trickle" of His power before will see and experience it in ways they never thought possible. God's people are being prepared for this new "wineskin" and have been shedding the old that keeps them tied to the world and its effects. This coming year will be proof of that when we all see "Love" coming at us in a full measure with gifts in its hands--it is The Fruit and the Gifts intertwined and released.
The Scoffing and Mocking Spirit
The Lord says, "The scoffing spirit is coming in greater measure." This coming year we will see scoffing and mocking greatly escalate. Many will look on in disbelief at the power of the Gifts of the Spirit & the Fruit combined, and they will openly mock and say that they are "strange spirits or evil spirits in operation." This makes it imperative that we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear what the Spirit is doing and saying.
2 Peter 3:3-4, "First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, 'Where is this "coming" He promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.'"
The Lord and the True Kingdom will be confronting these spirits and the mindsets in individuals all across the world this coming year--and will bring with it a choice. A choice to enter in and partake of the blessing, or choose the curse. The Fruits and the Gifts in the Kingdom will be so present that they will be undeniable, bringing Love that exposes all darkness. Many will have a choice to enter in and deny themselves, or they will choose their own way bringing hardness of heart.
Matthew 24:10-14, "At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
False prophets will continue to arise with a mocking spirit in deep root, and they will continue to be exposed by the true Kingdom of God in operation. The love of many will become even more cold, but the Love of God will become hot in those who are yielded. The Gospel of the Kingdom will begin to be preached in its true form this coming year through those who have yielded to the process of the Furnace of the Lord. There are some who have begun this preaching already, but there will be others who will join together with them to see it happen as a loving family, with no one thinking too highly of themselves. Relationships formed through the fire will be unbreakable and the bond will be cemented through Love.
The Gifts & The Fruit Intertwined
The Lord also says that He will be dealing with the controlling spirit that robs people of His Fruit. He is going to deal with hearts so that they will be given a chance to repent, but His Fruit will be undeniable in its confrontation. Those who will turn from fleshly control will reap the benefits of Kingdom Citizenship the way it is supposed to be.
These Kingdom citizens will join ranks with the message of the Kingdom and will display the Fruits of the Spirit and will release the Gifts of the Spirit in full measure. It will be such that when a team of ministers walk into a given area, demons will scream and run! People will be instantly healed, delivered and set free. These ministers will not have to travail for hours nor scream until their vocal chords collapse. They will merely do like Jesus did...release. They will release the Fruit and Gifts in their words and actions. They will be intertwined and they will become one with one another. It is the prayer of the Son in John 17.
John 17:20-26, "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in Me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as You and I are One--as You are in Me, Father, and I am in You. And may they be in Us so that the world will believe You sent Me.
I have given them the glory you gave Me, so they may be one as We are One. I am in them and You are in Me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love Me. Father, I want these whom You have given Me to be with Me where I am. Then they can see all the glory You gave Me because You loved Me even before the world began!
O righteous Father, the world doesn't know You, but I do; and these disciples know You sent Me. I have revealed You to them, and I will continue to do so. Then Your love for Me will be in them, and I will be in them."
The same glory of the Son is in those who are fully yielded and it is the releasing of His goodness in the earth. It is the Gifts and the Fruit wrapped up into one and given to everyone who will believe. It will be the sign of Who He is to a lost and dying world. In America this coming year, we will see more of what the Kingdom and its system look like in a real and tangible way. Other parts of the world already know what it means to operate in this system and they will be shouting it from the rooftops this year and they will be heard! God is sending these ones to help America, and the understanding will come from Israel herself, as well.
It is not about focusing on one area of blessing anymore. It is about a whole system in operation--it is called the Kingdom of God. The Lord will have His Kingdom established and we are now entering into a level of the promise for all to see.
The Lord is asking, "Are you willing to make the necessary steps in order to establish yourself in the domain I have given to you and release it to those who are in need?"
Matthew 6:10, "May Your Kingdom come soon. May Your will be done here on earth, just as it is in Heaven."
Get ready for an awesome year--for the Gifts and the Fruits of the Kingdom are at hand!
In His readiness,
John Meyer
Voice of One Crying Ministries