Thursday, May 31, 2007


May 23, 2007

Kim Clement:


Capuchin Monkey Dies of Plague at Zoo and officials are trying to prevent an epidemic

Click Here to read article (

On May 11, Kim prophesied "go to the zoo and you will see it," so this article certainly caught our attention when it was posted yesterday. The full prophecy is below.

May 11, 2007--Detroit, MI

"Do you think that I would send the prophet to your city, to your soil, and not speak to your economy?" The Spirit of the Lord said, "So great will be the change with the energy crisis--for the motor industry, that people will say 'we gave up on it.'" But God said, "I told you before, those that give up cannot see, but this day I say these words to you: prepare yourself, for this that is going to happen shall come because of a global interruption. Do not look at your present, your current crisis and say 'I am afraid that my family will not eat' for I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor their seed begging for bread."

What happened to the great words of David? What happened to the great words of Solomon? For God said, "You will always have something; take no thought for your tomorrow when it comes to clothing and food, for if you serve Me and follow Me I will take care of it."

"But there will be a global event that will take place, that causes the motor industry to change so rapidly, and people will say 'we thought it was coming to nothing.' But look now, and suddenly the economy of Detroit, Michigan shall change. It happened before, and it shall happen again, for in the month of October, one of the great months that I give great favor, I shall grant unto you access to the 'goings on.' For this global interruption shall cause men to go to the board and say 'why didn't we see it? It was already written there in the 50's--the 40's and the 50's. It was already somewhere in the thinking of mankind, of science.'"

God said, "Do not fear, for the Middle East shall no longer bring slavery to the men and the women of this Nation in their subtle encounters." For God said, "This day I say to you: Even as you have housed the Islamic community," so God said, "The prosperity that they have enjoyed shall now also be on the other side of the coin." For God said, "There will be great, great salvations, great, great deliverances," but the Lord says "the communities shall be shaken for they shall want God more than they have ever wanted Him." And God said, "I will show Myself strong."

"But the economy of Michigan, the City of Light will not remain as it is. It shall change to such a degree that within an 18-20 month period, houses that once sold for a minimal amount shall suddenly sell--and it shall be like 200%. You shall say as many leaders shall say 'ha'--they shall say 'how could this possibly be, and this prophet speaks as an insane man.'" But the Spirit of God said, "Do not say as the guardian said, when Elisha said 'tomorrow about this time there will be an economic change,' and he said 'God even if He opened up the Heavens would not do this.' And Elisha said, 'You will see it, but you will not touch it.' For tonight if you would see it, you will take a hold of it. You will have a change so great that they will say, 'God did it in the time that He said He would.' I am proud of you. I will not allow your economy to go any further now. Watch for this global interruption, and then take this as a sign. For as I shake the ground of Michigan and terror comes, say to yourselves, 'God is the One doing the shaking' for I will raise you up to be a voice again," says the Lord, "in the economy, and in the politics of this Nation," says the Lord.

City of Light, City of Light, City of Light, City of Light--

"A Governor who is terrorized shall be removed. This will be a sign," says the Lord. Take this as a warning from the Lord God. "They have laughed at the Church, they have laughed at the organization that they have called the Church--they laughed, and so have I," says the Lord. "For this reminds Me of the synagogues of satan that have interrupted My liberty and My Spirit to move. There are three of them in this city that will no longer transcribe the doctrine of demons." For God said, "There is a doctrine of demons that has made you a laughing stock." God said, "In the presence of His people, let the prophet once again speak, that I will use Michigan to deal with the synagogues of satan. They have transcribed the doctrines of demons. You say, who?" God said, "Go to the zoo and you will see it." For God said, "They are acting as if they know much, removing godliness and purity. These churches say, 'The Spirit has done all that He can do.' But little do they know--as remotely as I raised up the little child, Jesus, in a stable, so I will take 17 churches to 23 churches in the Michigan area that are nothing and raise them up, and they will strike down the doctrines of demons by My grace giving them miracles and miracles and miracles and miracles and miracles and miracles," says the Spirit of God!
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

60-Year-Old Woman becomes the oldest in the United States to give birth to Twins

Click Here to read article (

On May 12, Kim prophesied "in the month of May a double portion shall be granted to the wombs of the women." These twin boys were born just yesterday, and the mom and twins are healthy. The full prophecy is below.

May 12, 2007--Detroit, MI

The Spirit of God said, "A generation of young men and women are ready to be raised up, that's why the enemy would take them out of your womb, that's why the enemy would try and steal from the womb from a young age the children of this day. But I say to you this night that if the enemy would do this to you, then I will pay you back with multiplication. Because he has come on illegal terms and taken what is rightfully Mine, for if your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, then you are Mine," says the Lord. "Therefore, even as wombs have experienced death, and barrenness has been the order of the day; so it is cleared up in the month of May. For in the month of May a double portion shall be granted to the wombs, a double portion shall be granted to the wombs of the women, and those that have not given birth when they should have," says the Lord, "And so it shall be that in this month multiplication shall take place. Can anybody see it?"

"Is there a prisoner of vision; is there a prisoner of prophecy? Is there a prisoner of praise? Because if you can see it, it's going to happen this month," says the Spirit of the Lord.

God said, "It's going to happen again, the greatest revival that has ever happened will be in this Nation. I will see to it," says the Spirit of God.

"I have kept this Nation as I have Jerusalem, watched over it as a mother covers her little ones, her little chicks, so I have watched over this Nation jealously. I have brought from religious bondage to bring freedom to the earth. Do not forget the reason for your embarkation; do not forget the hatred that came because of what you did, then division--Civil War." But God said, "And yet you have stood as a light in extreme darkness. I took your hands and they were torn by the thorns of the vines of Europe as you dedicated lives to France; you dedicated lives for Germany, for Great Britain. And now who is it that would stand with you and who is it that would once again slap you in the face." For God said, "You were a light then, and though there were days of failure, I watched over you. Korea, I watched over you; Viet Nam. What failure is there but that men are filled with greed?" And the Spirit of God said, "Yet I watched over a Nation that caused me to smile when it brought birth to My Spirit and My Kingdom, and it went West and gold came from the earth." Now God said, "There is a different kind of gold that is coming from the very bowels of the kingdom of darkness." For God said, "They will surrender for they have terrorized this Nation."

And The Lord says, "I have chosen this year of 2007 to pay back so many times. This month of May is the beginning of the end. October will be shouts of victory again as it was in the December that Saddam Hussein was captured, so it shall be again and again this year. I have watched over you," and God said, "I have listened to the prayers of your forefathers. I have watched over the words that were written," and God said, "It shall not be removed, it shall not be taken out of the Constitution because listen: My holiness cannot be tainted by men who have no fear of God. I will prove Myself by doing two unique things which shall become a global interruption." And God said, "It shall be a sign that the division that the enemy has tried to bring into this Nation shall be brought to an end. There will always be squabbling, you are Americans!" But God said, "Know this: in the end you will stand as one. Why? Because of My Church whom I am building and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," says the Lord!

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007




Jesus Christ did not come to earth in the form of a human, just so people could be born again, and one day go to Heaven when they die. That thought is a very watered-down version of the gospel. The gospel that many of us heard at our moment of salvation, was probably something like, "Simply give your heart to Jesus, read your Bible everyday, and be faithful to a local church." That certainly wasn't the gospel that Jesus preached. Many people's idea of salvation is that they now have their bus ticket to Heaven, so when the moment of death comes along, they are assured a seat on the bus bound for Heaven.

God's idea of complete salvation is not just having an assurance of going to Heaven one day, but rather being saved enough to bring Heaven to earth now! This was Adam's original mandate that he forfeited in the garden after disobeying God. I think Jesus was serious in Matthew 6:10, when He told us to pray, "Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."


Jesus Christ was sent, and lived His life, as a prototype of what is possible and available for each one of us as believers. Jesus lived His day-to-day life out of the intimate voice of God. He carried His Kingdom (the supernatural realm of Heaven) on the earth with miracles, signs, and wonders following Him.

Jesus came to birth a "New Breed" on the earth and restore the Kingdom of God to them. This new breed is a remnant of people recklessly abandoned, and in love with their God, who through intimacy, destroy the works of the devil, and bring the realm of Heaven to earth daily. This new breed would carry the very DNA of God within them, and continue the mandate originally given to Adam--to fill the earth with the Glory of God.

Adam was the first prototype of an entire human race. When Adam sinned in the garden and became corrupt, he corrupted every human being that would come after him, because all human beings come from the seed of Adam. The Bible separates all of humanity into two categories--In Adam or in Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:45 says this, "So also it is written, 'The first man, Adam, became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit."

The meaning of this Scripture, is that Jesus Christ came as the "last Adam" because like the first Adam, Jesus would be the prototype of a new breed. Jesus birthed a new "man" on the earth who would carry the DNA of God within them, and continue the mandate originally given to Adam.


When Jesus was born, satan panicked because all of a sudden, he was seeing another perfect Man on the earth just as Adam was before his fall. Could Jesus birth a new race of people that could carry on the mandate of God in the earth? I believe satan probably looked at this situation and wondered how this would happen when there was no perfect woman on the earth to help birth a new race. Nevertheless, satan panicked, and immediately decided that he would have Jesus killed! Satan operated through Herod to kill all male children under the age of 2, in the hopes of killing Jesus, and stopping this new race from coming into existence (Matthew 2:16).

What satan did not realize, is that Jesus had no intention of birthing a new species of human in a physical sense. 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 says, "But we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

Satan fell right into the plan of God by having Jesus crucified. The plan of God was that Jesus would be crucified, raised from the dead, and become a life-giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45) to birth a new breed "in the spirit." God would give humanity an opportunity to be born again, or "born from above."

Like I said, the Lord had no intention of birthing a new species of human, but rather coming to live within human beings, thereby making them different from any other human to ever walk the earth. Human beings would be granted the opportunity to be born a second time, but this time they would be "born from above," in the spirit, and have the very DNA of God within them!


Jesus stated His earthly purpose in John 12:23-24, "But Jesus answered them, saying, 'The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.'"

Jesus compares Himself to a grain of wheat. He says that if a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it will produce many more grains of wheat, just like the first grain. Jesus died and rose from the dead, so He could birth a new breed that would be just like Him.

Jesus is the "first born from the dead" as stated in Colossians 1:18, "He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything."

Jesus is the new breed. By Jesus dying and raising from the dead, He became the fulfillment of a new prototype of a new breed that would be just like Him. Romans 8:29 says,
"For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren."


Born again believers are the brothers of Jesus and the very offspring of God. Let me make this point clear, we are not God, but we are sons of God. If you are born again, you are not just adopted by God; you are literally born of God and you have His DNA within you!

1 John 3:9, says that you literally have the seed of God within you, "No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God," and 1 Peter 1:23 says, "For you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and abiding word of God."


Jesus clearly states in the Word of God that we will do greater things than He did (John 14:12). The Bible also states in 1 John 4:17b, "as He is, so also are we in this world."

If we are to be, in this world, just as God is "right now," and we are to do greater works than Jesus did, then let's take a look at the way Jesus lived. In John 3:13, Jesus says, "No one has ascended to Heaven but He who came down from Heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in Heaven."

One interpretation of this would be that no one could ascend to Heaven, or be in Heaven, unless they first came from Heaven. Jesus is saying, as He stands on the earth in front of Nicodemus, that He is also in Heaven at this very moment. How could Jesus be both on earth, standing in front of Nicodemus, and also be in Heaven at the same time? He stated this as a fact because, He came from Heaven. The fact that Jesus came from Heaven, gave Him the right to be in Heaven at the same time as standing on the earth, as a man.

Just as the first Adam lived in two realms at one time, connected to God before the fall, so now Jesus is stating that He lives in two realms at one time as the last Adam. The death and resurrection of Jesus, provided us with a way to be "born from above" and become Heavenly citizens. We are seated with Christ in Heavenly places even while present on this earth, because we have been born from above. We also have access to the Heavenly places just as Jesus did while He walked the earth.


In Genesis 28, we read of an account where Jacob encountered an open Heaven. He laid his head on a rock to sleep for the night, and had an encounter where he saw a ladder set up on the earth and reaching into Heaven. He saw angels ascending and descending on the ladder, and he saw the Lord standing at the top of the ladder. Jacob came out of the experience and marveled at how awesome that place was, and said that this place is the house of God and the gateway of Heaven.

How does Jacob describe the house of God? He describes the house of God as being a place where the gate of Heaven is open, and the angels ascend and descend and the Lord looks on with a watchful eye. According to Jacob, the house of God is a pretty incredible place! Where is the house of God today, where the Heavens are open? The Bible says you are the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19).

Where is the gateway of Heaven on earth today? The answer is found in John 1:51, "And He said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you shall see the Heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.'"

In this Scripture, Jesus says that the Heavens are open over Him, and the angels ascend and descend upon Him. Jesus is telling us that He is now the Heavenly ladder that Jacob experienced in the wilderness. Jesus is basically saying that He is the gateway of Heaven on earth.

I believe one of the greatest truths of the Bible that will explode within the hearts of this end-time generation is the truth of Colossians 1:27, "To whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."

God is trying to get us to a place of truly understanding who we are. The church is having an identity crisis. When the people of God begin to realize that the purpose of Jesus on the earth, was to birth a new breed of people who would carry the DNA of God within them, and bring Heaven to earth daily, we will begin to live with purpose. When the people of God begin to realize their identity as the very offspring of God (as He is right now, so are we), the church will begin to shake the nations with the power of God.

We are the house of God where the Heavens are open, and we are the gateway where Heaven touches earth because Jesus Christ lives within us!

When we realize that the greatest revival to ever touch the earth lives within each and every born again believer, then we will fulfill the mandate of "Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

By Ryan Wyatt
Abiding Glory Ministries