Chad Taylor:
"Signs, wonders, miracles, and the great commissioning to preach the Gospel with favor--unparalleled in human history--is the abundant evidence in this Court of Grace."
Recently, I heard this audible word, "THE COURTS OF GOD'S GRACE ARE NOW IN SESSION." I saw an unfolding vision of a real life courtroom, and the jury was entering, filing into their seats. There was a large crowd in the main audience, and I knew right away by the innumerable television cameras, that this was being viewed around the world. I then saw Jesus come into the room, and He stated, "I am ready to bring evidence and substance to prove My people's faith."
Another voice who I knew to be the Father's, then said to Jesus, "The court is now Yours to present Your case." I was immediately drawn to the Scripture in Matthew 11, as the Lord revealed to me the first session of God's Court of Grace 2,000 years ago:
"And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, 'Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?' Jesus answered and said to them, 'Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the Gospel preached to them'" (Matthew 11:2-5).
As the jury of that age was assembled for the first time, Jesus, our Advocate, presented His overwhelming evidence proving that His grace WAS sufficient. Then I heard the voice of the Lord say again, "Court is now in session again, and I will prove like no other time in history that My grace is sufficient. I will present evidence and substance that My people's faith is not in vain."
Signs, wonders, miracles, and the great commissioning to preach the Gospel with favor--unparalleled in human history--is the abundant evidence in this Court of Grace. I heard the Lord say to the Jury of unbelievers, agnostics, Muslims, and every sort of doubter and critic, "Watch and see, I will do a work before you--that you will not believe--even if it were told to you."
As this Heavenly drama unfolded before me, I noticed again the television cameras and high-tech video recorders. I heard the Lord say to me, "My miracles will be seen in High Definition, and nobody will be able to deny or rebuke them." The Lord was making His work more visible than ever in recorded history. It would be seen on every network and television channel around the world, and feature films and secular media would become our greatest source of visibility as they recorded the great exploits of God's people.
Like Nebuchadnezzar, many of the most visible personalities in movies and media would openly and publicly confess that "Jesus Christ is Lord." I heard the Lord say, "Watch Donald Trump, for as a child he encountered Me, and I am going to remind him of his greatest legacy in the days to come. He is one of many that I will shine the spotlight of My grace on."
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).
Thus says the Lord, "The substance and evidence of all that My Church has contended for is beginning to make itself manifest. You will see the greater works and exploits you have read about for generations. The engine that will move this vehicle of greater works is GRACE, and it will enable you to do in one year what otherwise would have taken ten. The days of leaping and jumping have come again, and the great public display of miracle-working power is upon you. This will not only be in stadiums and at scheduled events, but also in the 'Gate Beautiful' and many other visible and public places."
"Many who have strived and walked faithfully for years in obscurity, will suddenly step into the great spotlight of this grace and will find themselves in the whirlwind of miracles. These nameless and faceless ones will suddenly have a name and a face, and they will magnify My name in a way that rivals the faith of those mentioned in Hebrews 11. Watch as these ones captivate millions as they are displayed on story-high TV screens, just like the ones in downtown New York City or like the monitors in the Las Vegas Casinos. The world will SEE My Glory!"
"NOW is the time to contend and reach for the greater works. Like Paul, you must believe for the greater things and strive for that upward call like you never have before. As the bar is raised, I will show Myself strong on My people's behalf, opening the doors of the Supreme Court and the White House as never before. I say 'Watch and see,' for there are two more seats if you will believe! I said, 'Watch and see--there are TWO more seats if you will only believe!' Grace will tip the scales of Justice, and she will submit to My Word. A mass exodus from the abortion clinics will occur as you face the future with My grace."
I then saw a vision of boarded up buildings with "CLOSED FOR BUSINESS" signs on them in every state and city. I knew these were abortion clinics and that the Lord had wielded His gavel of grace across this land, and a new day had dawned.
The Lord then said, "The next seven years, starting in 2007, will be My appointed days of plenty. I will undo the heavy burdens of laws and legislation that have been put upon you, and this will mark the days of the greater works. I will stall the plans of the enemy in this country, and the liberty to do My work will be a plumb line before you. All that you have endured, America, is for the defense of the Gospel. I said it is for the defense of the Gospel. Awake, O righteous Church, for the day of your divine deliverance has come. And the court of My grace is now in session!"
Chad Taylor
Consuming Fire Revival Network
Monday, April 16, 2007
Kim Clement:
The Spirit of God says, "I will move in a very unusual manner. For this Nation is being mocked. Third world countries are mocking you. Ungodly nations are mocking you." But God said, "Not the forces of hell, for they are hearing sounds of fire and resurrection that are emerging from the four corners of this Nation. Some would say, 'You are forgotten,' but I have told you there will be an invasion of the news media. Instruments that once mocked Me will be instruments that now raise Me up," says the Lord.
"Men who attempted to say, 'There is no God,' as they have done through the centuries and they have done through the millennia," God says, "it shall once again happen the same way that it happened then. Would history repeat itself and would I arise to the occasion? Yes." For God said, "I am not going to yesterday to bring the past back into existence, but I am moving into the future and bringing it into existence. For this Nation shall once again pioneer the greatest move of the Spirit that has ever happened," says the Lord. And you are alive, you are alive in the midst of it!
"Abraham saw your day and rejoiced. David saw your day and sang about it. And what are you doing in this, your day? Do I stand as I stood before Jerusalem and say in this your day, did you know your day of visitation? Or did you judge it by the political reigning powers and the religious bigotry that exists? This is your day," says the Lord.
"And in the month of May and October of this year, I will grant an unusual amount of favor. I will grant an unusual amount of favor not only to the Church but into this Nation, for the rain shall come upon the just and the unjust. For suddenly, there will be a rapidity, there will be a movement that shall happen so quickly that they shall say, 'We did not bring birth or give birth to this. No man will take credit for this that is about to happen." God said, "It shall be like Elijah, where there was no proof of his birth or of his beginning and no proof of his death." God said, "This that I will do, shall give no man credit, for it shall be the most unusual thing," says the Lord. "And I have focused upon California to do this, yes I have!"
For God said, "In 1967, a revolution took place," and now God said, "of a greater kind, of a magnitude like you have never seen, and greater than what took place in 1967 in the northern part of California." God said, "This shall be something that will never die," says the Lord of Hosts!
The Spirit of God says, "Many will say, 'What do you mean it will never die? Revivals have begun and revivals have ended.'" God said, "In this one, there is no end!"
This is a Moment of Resurrection
The Spirit is dictating from this atmosphere--you have arrested the powers of darkness, and you have made an adjustment in the atmosphere, and there has been an atmosphere adjustment. I hear the sound of an abundance; I hear the sound of resurrection!!
It's being dictated. God said, "Would you understand this, would you comprehend and then apprehend what is in the atmosphere?" The comprehension of something is not enough; the comprehension and the apprehension of something. For God says, "Though you comprehend this that is being released tonight, during the days of this time as it is being released," God said, "Their comprehension must move into a realm of apprehension, where you will grasp it and not let it go."
For the Spirit of God said, "The movement that is now starting, some will say, 'It began with a call,' others will say, 'it began with a prayer group that started this or that.' Some will say, 'It came from the prophets.'" God said, "No. It will not be attributed to one gift, one ascension gift, not to one church, not one," says the Lord.
"I am God and you have called to Me, and many from this Nation have said, 'Enough--enough of religion and enough of dead speech.'" The Spirit of God said, "This is a moment of resurrection." For the Spirit of God says, "Honor Me with your praise and acceptance of this that I say to you. This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace if you wish, and into the news media. Where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say; Newsweek what I want them to say; and The View, what I want to say."
"Trump shall become a trumpet," says the Lord! "I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the Church," says the Spirit of the Living God!
In 1967, there was a great revolution, but God said, "The revolution that you are going to experience starting in 2007 is going to be greater than anything that's ever happened."
The Spirit of the Lord says, "Hear the Word of the Lord tonight: this Nation has waited and waited and they have said, 'Revival, revival, revival.'" God said, "There is more than revival. We have revived and brought back, but a Spirit of resurrection is upon you." For God said, "I am breathing--I am breathing upon the people of this Nation. I am breathing upon the churches that are going down and I am bringing them up," says the Spirit of God.
"I am breathing upon the political powers that be." For God said, "I will not forget 911. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York, who will once again stand and watch over this Nation," says the Spirit of God. "It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering My name." But God said, "When he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit, for I shall fill him with My Spirit when he goes into office, and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land." And God says, "Even a greater move of the Spirit shall take place and your enemies will finally be subdued by the year 2009."
For God said, "There shall be a great move of My Spirit that shall raise your children up, and your children shall become the voices and the mouthpieces of this hour," says the Lord. "Your children shall become as Samuel, your children shall become as Davids, your children shall become as the Esthers and the Mary's of this day, and they will bring this great move into this Nation," says the Lord.
For God said, "Even as you have said, 'What will happen with our schools? What will happen with our children? What will happen with them?'" God said, "I will show you things that your forefathers never even knew and dreamed about," says the Spirit of God. "I will cause you to see things that they never even thought would happen." Shall we go back to the original?
America, America, you are the salt of the earth....
God said, "And far, far greater. For the year 2009--energy will have changed drastically. This Nation will have tapped into the 'Big E' four times. Ethanol shall then be changed into another 'coli,'" and then God said, "two more times, and then there shall be a breakthrough in this Nation, and you shall look at the Middle East and you shall say, 'No more, no more of your deceit, no more of your control, and no more of your oil--it's over. Our soil has presented us with that which we need to be independent of the Middle East,'" says the Lord!
The Spirit of God says, "Where you are, lift up your eyes, and whatever you see tonight, I'm going to give it to you, for your sight has been elevated," says the Lord.
"America, America, you are the salt of the earth. America, America, you are the light of the world!" The Spirit of God says, "As you sing these words, surely, I will remember the promises that were made on the steps of the Capitol," though now abandoned, and though now forgotten, God said, "I will not forget. And I will bring to this Nation what it deserves. For in 2009, you will say, 'This is the beginning and will never end.' Therefore, rejoice, for whatever you see tonight, I will give it to you," says the Spirit of God.
"America, America, you are the salt of the earth. America, America, you are the light of the world."
April 5, 2007--Redding, California
I have raised up a standard against the enemy--you are that standard
"In the field where there has been blood and anguish and pain, there is still yet a sound of a warrior that refuses to shut his mouth. For yet, it is easy to praise Me in the presence of the angels," but the Spirit of God says, "for those that I have raised up likened unto David that would praise Me in the presence of their enemies--this is prophetic praise." For God said, "Coming from the sounds of the battlefields of this Nation, not in the Middle East, but the spiritual battlefields of this Nation, I have heard the sounds of warriors with faith bellowing--with faith bellowing from their spirits to the Hero of Golgotha, to the Hero of Gethsemane, to the Hero of Calvary." Lord, we give unto You praise and glory and honor, You are our Hero!
"Yet, we hear the sound of victory throughout this Nation. Some would hear the sound of defeat, others would hear the sound of negative words and energy. Some would hear the sound of hatred, division, discord, and yes, even the sound of witchcraft and manipulation. But yet intertwined between this, I have set a standard." For God said, "I have raised up a standard against him--you are that standard. Though the enemy rises, and though he comes in like a flood, I will raise up a standard against him. And surely," says the Lord, "I have raised up a standard against the enemy. Certainly, let the weak say I am strong, and certainly let the poor say I am rich." For God said, "You surely are."
"For there is a sound of humility that is rising amongst My people. I have waited for it and waited for it." And the Spirit of God said, "This year--2007, you shall see this cloud the size of a man's hand, and it shall fill the sky. Yes, yes, yes it shall fill the sky." And the Lord says, "It shall come to pass that you will outrun the chariots of Ahab, and you will outrun the chariots of Jezebel." And God said, "Those that have taken the land that belongs to My people and the land that belongs to My house, the inheritance that they have stolen--shall now be returned to My people," says the Lord.
For the Spirit of God says, "When the enemy came in to steal, to take away from you, little did he know that he had trespassed and because of this," says the Lord, "I will raise up a double anointing because he trespassed. And you that have lost your properties and those that have struggled," God said, "look at this year--it is a year of acceleration. It is a year of marked multiplication."
I will raise up a house for every expression
"And even in this house where I stand, and I have sent My prophets, and you have opened up your doors to the prophets and the teachers of this age, to train the young men and women to go to the four corners of the earth--they surely shall." But God said, "No ordinary people are being raised up. I could not do this in L.A., I could not do this in San Francisco, and I could not do this in New York." God said, "I had to take a place outside the cities of squandering and smoke--taken them outside the cities of those that would be the money changers of this hour and bring them to a remote town. I will send hundreds and I will send thousands, and they will say, 'Go to Redding for there is a place, Bethel--we will meet the Lord, and we will be changed."
For God said, "Your place of pain shall be turned into a place of reign. There are four pieces of property that I have unlocked" and God says, "one is 85 miles from here, the other is not too far, as well as the third. There are four pieces of property that I will grant to this house because the enemy said, 'I will take away from them in the beginning.' Now at the end, I will give, give, give, and give again. I will raise up a house for every expression. I will raise up a place where the elderly can be ministered to. I will raise up a place where the fatherless can come. I will raise up a place where the government will say, 'Let us send them there for rehabilitation.' And you will be what the Church was meant to be. I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," says the Lord!
The Spirit of God says, "For these things that I will raise up in this end time--I will cause My people to come and rush to places in remote villages." For God said, "I will move there and then I will send them into the cities." And God said, "Every city in this Nation will be shaken because there will always be an abundance of salt--grace that I will grant unto this Nation."
What I'm about to give My Church and My people has been hidden for the centuries
But listen to me now, this house has been marked and set aside. And I listened to the conversation of principalities and I said, "Why is it that they wonder so much about this little place; why is it that they are so concerned? Would they say it is filled with mountains and snow? What is it that causes them to fear?" I hear the conversation of principalities, of municipalities and forces saying, "This place is dangerous. This place is no longer a wilderness."
"For under the ground, there is running something very rich that the enemy does not want you to tap into," says the Lord. "Under your ground, there is a source," and God said, "in the properties that I give to you, it shall be suddenly changed from the value of $1.2 million to $7 and $8 million overnight," says the Lord. "And they shall say, 'Did you know, did you know what was in the ground?'" God said, "Wait and see, for what I'm about to give My Church and My people has been hidden for the centuries and only now to be revealed and manifested because of the manifestation of the sons of God that shall come forth," says the Spirit of the Living God.
God said, "I have kept something for this time and for this age and for this generation, something that Paul saw, cherished, took into his hands, and even as he was dying said, 'Lord that I may see this day.'" God said, "This day is now upon this generation. I am unlocking something that has been kept for the centuries" and God said, "which will affect nations at once--not one individual at a time, not one community at a time, but nations at a time. The miraculous intervention of God by the power of resurrection is going to be the proof."
"This is something that shall cause men to be afraid and say, 'We never dreamed that men could do the things that they are doing now and that women could do the things that they are doing now.'" God said, "They saw your day, and this hour it is being unlocked for this generation. This thing that I have kept for this hour and for this time," God said, "shall be received by a people who shall make it precious and keep it precious. For it is precious in My sight," says the Spirit of the Living God.
For as Elisha came down from the mountain when he had been with Elijah and he had seen the disappearance of Elijah, he came down to a city, and the men and the prophets of that city said, "Let us go and search for your master." They wanted to bring back what they were acquainted with, what they loved. They wanted Elijah back. They sent 50 strong men to look for him. Elisha was embarrassed, he said, "Don't go, he's gone, it's over." Why is it that we try to capture the past, we try to keep it in existence? When in fact, we should be trying to capture the future and bring it into existence.
Something that this Nation and the world has not seen in Christ is about to be manifested through you and I. It is going to shake the nations.
God needs a fresh new vessel--unlearned and has no religious training whatsoever.
God said, "I'm going to touch cities, and I'm going to start in the United States of America, where barrenness will be changed overnight--spiritual barrenness will be changed overnight by recognizing where God is and the fact that He's about to do His greatest work in this Nation."
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
The Spirit of God says, "I will move in a very unusual manner. For this Nation is being mocked. Third world countries are mocking you. Ungodly nations are mocking you." But God said, "Not the forces of hell, for they are hearing sounds of fire and resurrection that are emerging from the four corners of this Nation. Some would say, 'You are forgotten,' but I have told you there will be an invasion of the news media. Instruments that once mocked Me will be instruments that now raise Me up," says the Lord.
"Men who attempted to say, 'There is no God,' as they have done through the centuries and they have done through the millennia," God says, "it shall once again happen the same way that it happened then. Would history repeat itself and would I arise to the occasion? Yes." For God said, "I am not going to yesterday to bring the past back into existence, but I am moving into the future and bringing it into existence. For this Nation shall once again pioneer the greatest move of the Spirit that has ever happened," says the Lord. And you are alive, you are alive in the midst of it!
"Abraham saw your day and rejoiced. David saw your day and sang about it. And what are you doing in this, your day? Do I stand as I stood before Jerusalem and say in this your day, did you know your day of visitation? Or did you judge it by the political reigning powers and the religious bigotry that exists? This is your day," says the Lord.
"And in the month of May and October of this year, I will grant an unusual amount of favor. I will grant an unusual amount of favor not only to the Church but into this Nation, for the rain shall come upon the just and the unjust. For suddenly, there will be a rapidity, there will be a movement that shall happen so quickly that they shall say, 'We did not bring birth or give birth to this. No man will take credit for this that is about to happen." God said, "It shall be like Elijah, where there was no proof of his birth or of his beginning and no proof of his death." God said, "This that I will do, shall give no man credit, for it shall be the most unusual thing," says the Lord. "And I have focused upon California to do this, yes I have!"
For God said, "In 1967, a revolution took place," and now God said, "of a greater kind, of a magnitude like you have never seen, and greater than what took place in 1967 in the northern part of California." God said, "This shall be something that will never die," says the Lord of Hosts!
The Spirit of God says, "Many will say, 'What do you mean it will never die? Revivals have begun and revivals have ended.'" God said, "In this one, there is no end!"
This is a Moment of Resurrection
The Spirit is dictating from this atmosphere--you have arrested the powers of darkness, and you have made an adjustment in the atmosphere, and there has been an atmosphere adjustment. I hear the sound of an abundance; I hear the sound of resurrection!!
It's being dictated. God said, "Would you understand this, would you comprehend and then apprehend what is in the atmosphere?" The comprehension of something is not enough; the comprehension and the apprehension of something. For God says, "Though you comprehend this that is being released tonight, during the days of this time as it is being released," God said, "Their comprehension must move into a realm of apprehension, where you will grasp it and not let it go."
For the Spirit of God said, "The movement that is now starting, some will say, 'It began with a call,' others will say, 'it began with a prayer group that started this or that.' Some will say, 'It came from the prophets.'" God said, "No. It will not be attributed to one gift, one ascension gift, not to one church, not one," says the Lord.
"I am God and you have called to Me, and many from this Nation have said, 'Enough--enough of religion and enough of dead speech.'" The Spirit of God said, "This is a moment of resurrection." For the Spirit of God says, "Honor Me with your praise and acceptance of this that I say to you. This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace if you wish, and into the news media. Where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say; Newsweek what I want them to say; and The View, what I want to say."
"Trump shall become a trumpet," says the Lord! "I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the Church," says the Spirit of the Living God!
In 1967, there was a great revolution, but God said, "The revolution that you are going to experience starting in 2007 is going to be greater than anything that's ever happened."
The Spirit of the Lord says, "Hear the Word of the Lord tonight: this Nation has waited and waited and they have said, 'Revival, revival, revival.'" God said, "There is more than revival. We have revived and brought back, but a Spirit of resurrection is upon you." For God said, "I am breathing--I am breathing upon the people of this Nation. I am breathing upon the churches that are going down and I am bringing them up," says the Spirit of God.
"I am breathing upon the political powers that be." For God said, "I will not forget 911. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York, who will once again stand and watch over this Nation," says the Spirit of God. "It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering My name." But God said, "When he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit, for I shall fill him with My Spirit when he goes into office, and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land." And God says, "Even a greater move of the Spirit shall take place and your enemies will finally be subdued by the year 2009."
For God said, "There shall be a great move of My Spirit that shall raise your children up, and your children shall become the voices and the mouthpieces of this hour," says the Lord. "Your children shall become as Samuel, your children shall become as Davids, your children shall become as the Esthers and the Mary's of this day, and they will bring this great move into this Nation," says the Lord.
For God said, "Even as you have said, 'What will happen with our schools? What will happen with our children? What will happen with them?'" God said, "I will show you things that your forefathers never even knew and dreamed about," says the Spirit of God. "I will cause you to see things that they never even thought would happen." Shall we go back to the original?
America, America, you are the salt of the earth....
God said, "And far, far greater. For the year 2009--energy will have changed drastically. This Nation will have tapped into the 'Big E' four times. Ethanol shall then be changed into another 'coli,'" and then God said, "two more times, and then there shall be a breakthrough in this Nation, and you shall look at the Middle East and you shall say, 'No more, no more of your deceit, no more of your control, and no more of your oil--it's over. Our soil has presented us with that which we need to be independent of the Middle East,'" says the Lord!
The Spirit of God says, "Where you are, lift up your eyes, and whatever you see tonight, I'm going to give it to you, for your sight has been elevated," says the Lord.
"America, America, you are the salt of the earth. America, America, you are the light of the world!" The Spirit of God says, "As you sing these words, surely, I will remember the promises that were made on the steps of the Capitol," though now abandoned, and though now forgotten, God said, "I will not forget. And I will bring to this Nation what it deserves. For in 2009, you will say, 'This is the beginning and will never end.' Therefore, rejoice, for whatever you see tonight, I will give it to you," says the Spirit of God.
"America, America, you are the salt of the earth. America, America, you are the light of the world."
April 5, 2007--Redding, California
I have raised up a standard against the enemy--you are that standard
"In the field where there has been blood and anguish and pain, there is still yet a sound of a warrior that refuses to shut his mouth. For yet, it is easy to praise Me in the presence of the angels," but the Spirit of God says, "for those that I have raised up likened unto David that would praise Me in the presence of their enemies--this is prophetic praise." For God said, "Coming from the sounds of the battlefields of this Nation, not in the Middle East, but the spiritual battlefields of this Nation, I have heard the sounds of warriors with faith bellowing--with faith bellowing from their spirits to the Hero of Golgotha, to the Hero of Gethsemane, to the Hero of Calvary." Lord, we give unto You praise and glory and honor, You are our Hero!
"Yet, we hear the sound of victory throughout this Nation. Some would hear the sound of defeat, others would hear the sound of negative words and energy. Some would hear the sound of hatred, division, discord, and yes, even the sound of witchcraft and manipulation. But yet intertwined between this, I have set a standard." For God said, "I have raised up a standard against him--you are that standard. Though the enemy rises, and though he comes in like a flood, I will raise up a standard against him. And surely," says the Lord, "I have raised up a standard against the enemy. Certainly, let the weak say I am strong, and certainly let the poor say I am rich." For God said, "You surely are."
"For there is a sound of humility that is rising amongst My people. I have waited for it and waited for it." And the Spirit of God said, "This year--2007, you shall see this cloud the size of a man's hand, and it shall fill the sky. Yes, yes, yes it shall fill the sky." And the Lord says, "It shall come to pass that you will outrun the chariots of Ahab, and you will outrun the chariots of Jezebel." And God said, "Those that have taken the land that belongs to My people and the land that belongs to My house, the inheritance that they have stolen--shall now be returned to My people," says the Lord.
For the Spirit of God says, "When the enemy came in to steal, to take away from you, little did he know that he had trespassed and because of this," says the Lord, "I will raise up a double anointing because he trespassed. And you that have lost your properties and those that have struggled," God said, "look at this year--it is a year of acceleration. It is a year of marked multiplication."
I will raise up a house for every expression
"And even in this house where I stand, and I have sent My prophets, and you have opened up your doors to the prophets and the teachers of this age, to train the young men and women to go to the four corners of the earth--they surely shall." But God said, "No ordinary people are being raised up. I could not do this in L.A., I could not do this in San Francisco, and I could not do this in New York." God said, "I had to take a place outside the cities of squandering and smoke--taken them outside the cities of those that would be the money changers of this hour and bring them to a remote town. I will send hundreds and I will send thousands, and they will say, 'Go to Redding for there is a place, Bethel--we will meet the Lord, and we will be changed."
For God said, "Your place of pain shall be turned into a place of reign. There are four pieces of property that I have unlocked" and God says, "one is 85 miles from here, the other is not too far, as well as the third. There are four pieces of property that I will grant to this house because the enemy said, 'I will take away from them in the beginning.' Now at the end, I will give, give, give, and give again. I will raise up a house for every expression. I will raise up a place where the elderly can be ministered to. I will raise up a place where the fatherless can come. I will raise up a place where the government will say, 'Let us send them there for rehabilitation.' And you will be what the Church was meant to be. I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," says the Lord!
The Spirit of God says, "For these things that I will raise up in this end time--I will cause My people to come and rush to places in remote villages." For God said, "I will move there and then I will send them into the cities." And God said, "Every city in this Nation will be shaken because there will always be an abundance of salt--grace that I will grant unto this Nation."
What I'm about to give My Church and My people has been hidden for the centuries
But listen to me now, this house has been marked and set aside. And I listened to the conversation of principalities and I said, "Why is it that they wonder so much about this little place; why is it that they are so concerned? Would they say it is filled with mountains and snow? What is it that causes them to fear?" I hear the conversation of principalities, of municipalities and forces saying, "This place is dangerous. This place is no longer a wilderness."
"For under the ground, there is running something very rich that the enemy does not want you to tap into," says the Lord. "Under your ground, there is a source," and God said, "in the properties that I give to you, it shall be suddenly changed from the value of $1.2 million to $7 and $8 million overnight," says the Lord. "And they shall say, 'Did you know, did you know what was in the ground?'" God said, "Wait and see, for what I'm about to give My Church and My people has been hidden for the centuries and only now to be revealed and manifested because of the manifestation of the sons of God that shall come forth," says the Spirit of the Living God.
God said, "I have kept something for this time and for this age and for this generation, something that Paul saw, cherished, took into his hands, and even as he was dying said, 'Lord that I may see this day.'" God said, "This day is now upon this generation. I am unlocking something that has been kept for the centuries" and God said, "which will affect nations at once--not one individual at a time, not one community at a time, but nations at a time. The miraculous intervention of God by the power of resurrection is going to be the proof."
"This is something that shall cause men to be afraid and say, 'We never dreamed that men could do the things that they are doing now and that women could do the things that they are doing now.'" God said, "They saw your day, and this hour it is being unlocked for this generation. This thing that I have kept for this hour and for this time," God said, "shall be received by a people who shall make it precious and keep it precious. For it is precious in My sight," says the Spirit of the Living God.
For as Elisha came down from the mountain when he had been with Elijah and he had seen the disappearance of Elijah, he came down to a city, and the men and the prophets of that city said, "Let us go and search for your master." They wanted to bring back what they were acquainted with, what they loved. They wanted Elijah back. They sent 50 strong men to look for him. Elisha was embarrassed, he said, "Don't go, he's gone, it's over." Why is it that we try to capture the past, we try to keep it in existence? When in fact, we should be trying to capture the future and bring it into existence.
Something that this Nation and the world has not seen in Christ is about to be manifested through you and I. It is going to shake the nations.
God needs a fresh new vessel--unlearned and has no religious training whatsoever.
God said, "I'm going to touch cities, and I'm going to start in the United States of America, where barrenness will be changed overnight--spiritual barrenness will be changed overnight by recognizing where God is and the fact that He's about to do His greatest work in this Nation."
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
The Eagle-Dove

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The Eagle-Dove is bringing the Spirit of Holiness that will usher in the power of the decreed word in the Apostolic movement that we have yet to experience."
An Open Vision of the East Coast
This past month of March, the Lord came to me in an open vision. I heard a sound of what I understood as Native American drums and music, and I saw a white Eagle-Dove soaring over the East Coastline of the United States of America. The airborne Eagle-Dove was hovering on the Mid-East Coastline, just over the waters. His white wings were huge and extended in soaring position. As he gently moved, he flapped his wings with an authoritative movement fashioning the winds to shift. The winds were strong and stirred up the waters, creating white waves to go beyond their normal limits, and together (the winds and waves), they made a sound that I had not heard before.
The sound caused the waves to breakout onto the East Coast of America. Unlike waves that come in and go back out, these waves were like no other I've seen nor heard before. Their movement was different. The waves entered in and onto the land, then were transformed into a constant continuously flowing white river that moved across the Northeastern states, breaking towards the Southern states, and then heading Westward. Though the waves were gushing white waters, they also seemed like thick oil, flowing seamlessly. The endless waters went to some places, yet it missed others.
As if time had sped up right before my eyes, I saw a time-lapse simulation of spring flowers unfolding and expanding into mature flowers of full bloom. Where the waters would go, new flowers would open up, and they would multiply changing and reshaping into full color in time-lapse speed. The river was ever moving and was headed to the Western Coast of America.
I believe the Lord is revealing to us that there is a new move of the Holy Spirit about to hit the United States of America, entering in through the East gate (Ezekiel 43:1-2). The white Eagle-Dove was gentle, yet with fire in His eyes, He was also powerful. The Dove representing the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Holiness is a bird of promise and represents a powerful truth (Acts 2:39). Together, the Eagle and the Dove represent the gentle, yet powerful influence and authority of complete purity or the Spirit of Holiness.
As extraordinary as the white Eagle-Dove is, so is this move of the Holy Spirit, incomparable and without equal to any other we have seen or heard before. The shift in the wind indicated the move is swift, quick, powerful, influential, authoritative, and coming in the breath from the inspiration of God (Ezekiel 37). The Eagle-Dove is the Spirit of the Lord. It is God's voice upon the waters (Revelation 1:15). For it is He who commands and raises up the stormy wind, which lifts up the waves of the sea (Psalm 107:25).
The Sound
I believe God has always led His people forward with a sound. Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord walking in the garden (Genesis 3:8). "And suddenly there was a sound from Heaven, like a rushing mighty wind...." Acts 2:2. "And the sound of His word was like the noise of a multitude of people or the roaring of the sea," Daniel 10:6. "...God's voice was like 'the sound' of many waters," Revelation 1:15. "I heard a sound like a vast throng, like the boom of many pounding waters," Revelation 19:6.
Whenever I hear the sound of the Native American drums and music, the Lord is usually speaking to me about the land, and in this case, our land, the United States of America. The Spirit is saying that change will come to our land through the release of the sound in this move of God. Sound is so important because it breaks through. This is why we see the enemy target worship leaders, worship teams, and sound systems in order to stop "the release of the sound" that the enemy knows will lead God's people forward and change every circumstance under the sun! (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
Time Is Speeding Up
"I am coming...(swiftly, speedily)" Revelation 22:20. The Body of Christ is in a season of acceleration even now. I believe God is speeding up time and this is a critical hour! It is high time now to awaken out of our sleep (Romans 13:11). The flower heads unfolding into maturity represents the acceleration of time for the seed harvest bringing in new life of not only the unsaved, but also of the saints quickly maturing into the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 1).
The Matchless Move of God
The sound of the waters speak of God's voice (Revelation 1:15) and the winds (The Holy Spirit) causing the waters and the movement of God to go beyond "normal limits," as the Holy Spirit is boundless and without measure (John 3:34). Again, this continuous flow, thick like oil, represents the endless momentum of the costly anointing of the Holy Spirit where people will be healed, changed, and yes, raised from the dead by the Spirit of Holiness in America (Romans 1:4).
The constant flowing river that was streaming across the U.S. was actually moved by the people through the release of the new sound! The sound carried the waves--the sound waves and the resonance influence of power! (John 7:38-39). The sound of this move will bring healing, abundant new life, ushering in the end-time harvest, and bringing increase and multiplication--a true characteristic of the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:31). This move has to do with the inheritance of our land (Ezekiel 47:9, 22-23, Psalm 46:3-4). This will be a matchless move of the Spirit of Holiness, unlike any other move we have seen or heard of.
The Warning
I asked the Lord, why did this move go to some places and miss others? The Spirit of the Lord said that this is the warning. Because this move has not yet been seen nor heard, it will look and sound different. Because it will not be familiar, some will easily reject it as some have been de-sensitized or have lost their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and this move will swiftly pass them by.
Being critical, judgmental, and opinionated would be the same as dishonoring Him. Not clearing a path or preparing the way for the Lord would be the same as dishonoring Him. Why would He come where He is not welcome? This would give no place for the Eagle-Dove to land, the river to flow, or new life to take place, thus this move would swiftly move on by.
The Promise
The Spirit of the Lord says that the Eagle-Dove will come, will create, and will bring new life even to the dry places as He was given "HONOR." To those who would recognize and HONOR this new move of the Holy Spirit, by faith, they will be the ones to see the Glory of God and see the harvest bring increase and multiplication through resurrected life, and indeed great change will come to our cities and nation (Acts 9:31).
Positioned for the Move of God
There are strategic things we can do to prepare for this move. First, I believe the Lord is saying to, "Pray it in and pray it through." Intercession and worship combined will position us for the release of the new sound as we are in His Presence. So we must release the Sons of Zadok, allowing for an opportunity for "the sound" to come through the Holy Spirit and make room for the Glory of God.
In our homes and in our churches, we must understand that we will hear His Voice while in His Presence. We need the release of spontaneous worship and intercession to usher in this move of God. This will be difficult for those who feel they must "stick with the program." Those positioned to give room and time for worship and intercession will be like the reaper who overtakes the sower (Isaiah 55:10). As the disciples waited in the upper room for something they have never seen or heard before, so must we give place and time for the new sound to come in. How? Heed the warning!
What Must We Do? Heed the Warning
The key then is to "honor" the Holy Spirit. Understanding how to truly honor the Holy Spirit will release the gushing forth of the reviving oil of the move of God. America, we must heed the warning, for we do not want the move of God to pass us by. As distinctive as the white Eagle-Dove is, so will this move of Holiness be. What is seen and heard may look or sound different, and we must be open and our minds renewed to the new wine. No one puts new wine in old wine skins. We must fully understand the importance, the definition, and the application of "honoring the Holy Spirit."
Where is Honor Found?
"Wisdom will bring you to honor."
I Chronicles 16:27, "Honor and majesty are (found) in His presence; strength and joy are (found) in His sanctuary." To fear (reverently worship) the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom will bring you to honor (Proverbs 4:7). Riches and honor are found in wisdom (Proverbs 3:16, 8:18).
It's time to release the Sons of Zadok! Sons of Zadok minister under the great High Priest, Jesus. Only the Sons of Zadok were to minister to God. Eli ministered to the people. Zadok ministered to God (Ezekiel 44). "Who will ascend into the Presence of the Lord or who shall stand in His Holy Place?" Psalm 24:3. Its rewards are different--instead of accolades from men, Sons of Zadok find accolades from the Lord through His Presence (Ezekiel 44:29). Sensitivity to the Spirit of God and determination to have Jesus as their only Lord is their secret and power. Demonstration in the Holy Ghost and power is not the unusual, but rather the ordinary for the Sons of Zadok. They minister to God through their sacrifices and their leadership, all the while walking in holiness. Their prayers are mingled with their sacrifices (worship).
The Earth Split With The Sound
1 Samuel 1-4 tells us that the Sons of Eli represents the flesh-religion apart from God and the Sons of Zadok represent a spiritual heritage based on intimacy with God. That which is precious to Eli (the system) is its people and its goods. That which is precious to the Sons of Zadok is their vows to God, and they have one rule--they must obey the voice of the Lord (Zechariah 6:15).
Righteousness and rejection of the system characterize the Sons of Zadok. Eli ministers to the people and Zadok ministers to the Lord. The system always substitutes something to take the place or modify the real thing. Righteousness is fluid like a river. Ezekiel 47 shows the origin in the Throne Room of the Temple of God. Sons know that one does not "take time to pray" because there simply is no time without it. We were made to commune with God. Religion/the system can only minister to man. In Eli's times, holiness was not emphasized. Zadok does not practice "being in" God's Presence, they just "live in" His Presence.
Everywhere Zadok and his Sons find themselves, there is great honor and blessing. I Kings 1:39-40 says, "And Zadok, the priest, took a horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, 'Long live King Solomon.' And all the people played on flutes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth split with the sound of it." Talk about the sound being released through their worship and intercession! We need to release the Sons of Zadok in houses of prayer and worship.
Where is the Eagle-Dove Now?
I asked the Lord where the Eagle-Dove is now. The Spirit of the Lord says, "He is hovering over the face of the waters (Genesis 1:2) of the East Coastline of America, and the winds are beginning to blow." Remember, it will be quick! East Coast--Get Ready! Get ready! Get Ready! As the East goes, so goes America! To them who believe, they will see the Glory of the Lord (John 11:40).
God is preparing us for such a move of the Spirit of Holiness like we have never known before (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17). This is the power that will raise the dead here in America. It is He who is preparing us to live in the times of the third-day resurrection power (Hosea 6:1-3). He has torn, He has stricken, and after two days, He will revive us, quicken us, and give us life so that we may live in His sight, before His Face. This takes resurrection power.
I believe the Eagle-Dove is bringing the Spirit of Holiness that will usher in the power of the decreed word in the Apostolic movement that we have yet to experience. New life will spring up in areas extremely fast, and America will experience (as the church did in the days of Acts) such increase and multiplication before our very eyes. God is releasing His Sound on the waters. I believe this is a release of the Rivers of Life flowing out from the Throne Room (Daniel 7:9-10).
Sin releases death, which is the nature of man without the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Holiness releases life, which is the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead (Romans 1:4, 8:2). To the degree that the Holy Spirit is in you is to the degree that the Holy Spirit flows from you. For those positioned to honor this move, they will see the fullness of Christ and walk in resurrection power. To those who believe, they are the ones who will see the Glory (John 11:40).
But it is our choice. There is no middle ground. Will we continue to be what we have been or will we become what God wants us to become? America, like Daniel, if we determine in our heart that we will not defile ourselves, God will make known to us the solution to our problems (Daniel 1:8, 2:23).
Hope Reeder
Praise Alive Ministries
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