Wednesday, January 31, 2007




"Nations are making decisions now that will determine if they will turn and become part of the coming of the Kingdom of God...."

Ask for Wisdom

The year 2007 will be a significant year, and 2008 will be even more so. We can expect each year to increase in intensity and significance. This means that the consequences of our choices will continue to increase in importance. This is why asking God for wisdom should be one of our highest priorities.

Therefore, we have a great promise and warning in James 1:5-8:

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.

For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."

The promise is that God will delight in giving us wisdom and will give it to us generously. However, we are warned not to be "double-minded," as this will make us unstable in all of our ways. What does it mean to be double-minded? The Greek word translated "double-minded" here is dipsuchos, which could have been literally translated "two-spirited," or having two spirits. A modern term for this would be "two-faced." This implies a person who changes with situations and cannot be trusted.

If we are one person at home, another on the job, another at church, and another when out with friends, this kind of inconsistent personality would be a form of this. In the case that James is discussing, it would be like someone who projects himself as being one person before God, especially when he may want something from Him. He will not be fooled by this, and such a person should not expect to get anything from the Lord.

A People Who Represent Him

"The Lord does at times wait before disciplining His people to give us time to repent..."

Because the world is falling further into instability and inconsistency, it is more imperative than ever that Christians become stable, consistent, and true in our basic nature. Of course, this is supposed to be basic Christianity, which is the result of a life that serves one King, doing all things to please Him, regardless of what others may think about it.

The exposure of highly visible ministries that are living double lives is an indication of just how serious the Lord is about having a people who represent Him on the earth who are true. As we are told in I Peter 4:17-19:

"For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner?

Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right."

When the Lord judges His church, it is not for the purpose of condemnation, but for correction so we might share His nature. The Lord does at times wait before disciplining His people to give us time to repent and discipline ourselves. It is better and easier to fall on the Rock and be broken than to have it fall on us and grind us into powder (see Luke 20:18).

Even so, as we are told in Ecclesiastes 8:11, "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil."

Many Christians have been under the delusion that because they seem to be getting away with transgression in their lives, that God does not really care about it. The scariest thing in the world should be if we are living with a major stronghold of sin in our lives and getting away with it. We are told in Hebrews 12:5-8:

"My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by Him;

For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.

It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons."

The Days of Fulfillment

"Christians are about to begin streaming across their Jordan River to begin possessing their inheritance."

This is the time when our choices will begin to bring much swifter and more drastic consequences. This intensity will grow continually until the end. It will never be easier to repent and make the necessary changes that we need to make--than right now.

Nations are making decisions now that will determine if they will turn and become part of the coming of the Kingdom of God or be shaken loose from their moorings (dock side) to drift into oblivion. Individuals, churches, and denominations are likewise making this same choice. As we get closer to the end of this age and the revealing and establishment of the Kingdom of God on the earth, the consequences of our choices will come swifter.

The consequences of righteous choices will also increase, and the rewards will come faster. Christians are about to begin streaming across their Jordan River to begin possessing their inheritance. We are entering the days of fulfillment.

There are practical things we must know and do to be ready for this, which are not burdensome, but will result in a greater freedom in us, so that we can proclaim liberty throughout the land from a heart that is free.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries

Monday, January 29, 2007




Prophetic insight is given by the Lord so that we will understand His heart, desires, perspectives, and promises for the future. When embraced in prayer and faith, we will see the fulfillment of those promises in our lives.

Like Mary, we will say, "Be it done unto me according to Your word" (Luke 1:38), and like her, we will experience the same results--fulfillment of prophecy.

1. A Year of Success and Fruitfulness

In 2007, the Lord is looking for those who will invest their "talents" wisely. It is a year to DREAM BIG. It is a year of bringing forth fruit for the Lord and His Kingdom through the wise investment of the gifts He has given.

In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), the master praised the servants who took the initiative to invest what they had been given, but he was angry with the one who buried his one talent. Jesus said that this parable describes the Kingdom (verse 14).

The Lord is calling His people to make investments of their gifts on behalf of the Kingdom. There will be success and fruitfulness for those who do. 2007 is a year to invest much as there will be great dividends for the glory of God. "You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on all your ways" Job 22:28. (Also read Psalm 20:4; Deuteronomy 28:8, 12; Genesis 1:28; John 15:7.)

2. Change, Change, Change

2007 is going to meet us with great change. The face of the Church is going to change drastically. Political changes and shifts await us. Individuals will be called to make changes in their lives to facilitate the call of God. Some will even be called to make geographical changes. Many believers will have unexpected changes in vocation. Some students at the university level will suddenly feel to change their majors even after they have invested many months and years in a particular direction.

It is vital in 2007 that believers seek the Lord for confirmation during the stirrings that call for change. The Lord will confirm clearly. Great flexibility and grace will be required to move into the change that God is ordaining. New levels of dependency on God will need to be embraced during these times of transition.

Prophetic signs of change

Many will experience a phenomenon of finding "change" (coins) in unique places--sometimes on the walkway in front of them or in drawers or on the floor beneath them. This will be quickened to the heart as a "prophetic sign" confirming the season of change.

Another sign will be the appearance of butterflies. The butterfly comes forth as a result of metamorphosis (change). The increased and unusual appearances of butterflies will be a confirmation of the season of change. Another sign will be changes in weather patterns and unexpected winds in regions that are marked for change.

3. A Year of Covenant Blessing

Abraham was blessed by God, and he was called to be a blessing so that all the nations would be blessed. This is our calling in the Kingdom--to live in the blessings of God in Christ, so that the testimony of Christ's glory and love spreads.

Christians will be called by the Spirit in 2007 to establish boundaries around their lives where ONLY BLESSINGS will prevail. When attacks, assaults, and trials come, they will be turned into blessings as believers stand their ground on covenant promises. Blessings will become the protective border and the covering of believer's lives that embrace this. (Read Ephesians 1:3; 2 Peter 1:2-4; Genesis 1:28; Genesis 12:2,3; Psalm 103:1-5; Deuteronomy 28:1-13; Numbers 6:23-26.)

4. Earth Shaking Catastrophes

There will be some catastrophes in 2007 that will cause people to respond in fear. Believers are not to fear, but to rather embrace the situations, allowing them to usher in revival and harvest. The Church will be launched into mercy and compassion ministry when these catastrophes occur. Calls to prayer during these events will also be used to unite the Body. (Read Hebrews 12:26-29; Matthew 24:6-7.)

5. Walking on Water

The Lord is calling His Church to move in the supernatural. Many will be called out of the "boat of comfort" into "arenas of risk" in 2007. It is important to keep the focus on Jesus and His Word alone during these times. The Holy Spirit will teach the Church the importance of living in the supernatural empowerment Christ has invested in us through His indwelling presence.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths" Proverbs 3:5-6. (Also read Matthew 14:28-31.)

6. Bible Faith will be Challenged

The Church must remain strong in intercession in 2007 as foundations of faith and Bible absolutes will be challenged by political and humanistic spirits in Christian nations. God will raise up spokespeople who will be a voice for uncompromised truth in the nations. These ones will suffer persecution both in the world and in the Church for their righteous stands. A separation will come in the Church between those who are fully committed to Bible truth and those who compromise. (Read Psalm 1 and 2.)

7. God's Media Army is Emerging

Many Christians will experience the call into media in 2007. The Lord is raising up an army in the area of television, radio, entertainment, internet, and print media. These warriors will be powerfully used of God to spread the Gospel and to creatively build faith in the masses. "The Lord gives the word, and a great army brings the good news" Psalm 68:11.

Patricia King

Tuesday, January 23, 2007




"The New Year will pose many new and unusual challenges that will require personal choice and self-determination."

It's A New Year Revolution

Scott HicksIt has been proclaimed that the year 2007 will be the "Year of Heaven." There is great anticipation in the air as the promises of God are waiting for each and every one of us to seize the moment as the New Year unfolds before our very eyes. At the same time, the Lord is saying, "Dare to be Dangerous in 2007."

As many are starting the New Year with traditional New Year's Resolutions, the Lord is revealing His heart's desire instead, for a "New Year Revolution." This revolution is about to split wide-open in the hearts of those that are willing to take the Kingdom of God by force with their whole heart and for those who don't give up. He says, "The New Year will pose many new and unusual challenges that will require 'personal choice' and 'self-determination' to obtain and execute the promises at hand."

God's Prototype Foreshadowed in the Spirit of Elijah

In Matthew 11, we clearly see that John the Baptist was a dangerous Warrior in the Kingdom of God and dared to be dangerous in his day, as God's prototype foreshadowed the Spirit of Elijah upon his present generation. He had great prophetic insight and foresight, and could see far further into the future than most people of his day, as he dared to pave the way for something far greater than he, himself. Jesus describes John's life purpose in verses 12-15 in these familiar words when He said,

"And from the time John the Baptist began preaching and baptizing until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people attack it. For before John came, all the teachings of the Scriptures looked forward to this present time. And if you are willing to accept what I say, he is Elijah, the one the prophets said would come. Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand."

Jesus wasn't talking here about some passive stance of standing by on the sidelines, carelessly waiting for someone to snatch the Kingdom of Heaven right out from under our feet. That was the problem Jesus had with most of the religious people of His day. They allowed the devil to take the Kingdom away from them before they could enter it, while they were passive and too blind with religious pride to see it coming. It is God's pleasure to give us the Kingdom, and it is also satan's pleasure to take it away from us if he can. In Matthew 11:18, Jesus said,

"For John the Baptist didn't drink wine and he often fasted, and you say, 'He's demon possessed.'"

Jesus pointed out that John the Baptist was very active and did not drink the wine of passivity and unbelief of that generation, but chose the key elements of active prayer and fasting to pave the way for his mission. John faced many challenges and yet took the Kingdom of God by force with determination to finish his mission in the face of religious enmity and deadly opposition. He was not one to give up so easily, and certainly, was not passive about his mission and calling as he "Dared to be Dangerous" in his day for the sake of Christ.

skydiveHow Dangerous Are You?

The Lord is saying that if passivity is tolerated in the slightest amount, there could be something of great value lost in the process, and even crucial elements to the promises of God can be forfeited by a lack of Godly aggression to secure the manifestation of those promises for your life, and for generations to come.

What does this mean for us today? God is simply asking, "How dangerous are you?" In other words, the Lord is asking, "How dangerous are you willing to be?" It is obvious there is no room for passivity in the Kingdom of God, especially not for this coming year. God's people just can't afford to tolerate it or they will lose gained ground from previous victories.

Godly Force and Godly Violence

"The use of Godly force and Godly violence in the Kingdom of Heaven, is the use of delegated authority given by Jesus."

"...the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force." Matthew 11:12

The Greek definition of "violence" means to use force; to apply force; to inflict violence on; to press; forcing his way. The Greek root definition of violence means life; life extensively; the period or course of life; that by which life is sustained, resources, wealth, goods; to live.

In other words, as we take hold of the Kingdom of Heaven, pursue it, and make it our own, the use of force and violence is NOT the act of a crime or the act of violence as the world's definition of the word. The use of "Godly force" and "Godly violence" in the Kingdom of Heaven, is the use of delegated authority given by Jesus, Himself, as a way of life, life extensively, or even life abundantly. When we execute Godly force or Godly violence, it is a matter of life and death; life for us, but death blows to the works and the kingdom of darkness, and death to the works of the flesh.

If we don't use or execute Godly force or Godly violence in the name and authority of Jesus Christ in our determination to lay hold of the promises of God, we actually lose something very valuable in the process. We then have the potential to lose stability in our lives, our resources, our wealth, and our goods in every area of life. That means that the devil will have an open door of opportunity to enforce his authority to steal, kill, and destroy through passivity and apathy. Being passive and apathetic in the Kingdom of Heaven simply means, "One who lays down his or her Godly authority allowing for another to pick it up and take over (or takes control)."

The Effectual Fervent (Violent) Prayer

Webster's definition of "violence" means "the exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse (as in warfare effecting illegal entry into a house)." It also means vehement feeling or expression. The synonym for "violence" in Webster's dictionary is FERVOR and PASSION. This brings to mind James 5:16, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." It could also be said this way, "The effectual fervent (VIOLENT) prayer of a righteous man avails much." The Amplified version of the same verse says, "The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working)."

This not only affects our prayer life, but executing Godly force and Godly violence as God sees it, affects our worship, our witness, our families, our destiny, our Churches, our nation, and the list goes on. If we take a passive stance, and do not seriously consider what the Spirit of the Lord is really saying concerning advancing the Kingdom of God with "Godly force, Godly violence, Godly fervor, and Godly passion," we will have missed out on the blessings of the Kingdom that rightfully belong to us, even to the extent of changing the course of a nation.

We will not be able to blame passivity on the devil, because as stated earlier, the Lord says, "The New Year will pose many new and unusual challenges that will require 'personal choice' and 'self-determination' to obtain and execute the promises at hand." It is the element of PERSONAL CHOICE and SELF-DETERMINATION in every child of God that will be the deciding factor if successful advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven is to be achieved within each individual life and their respective spheres of influence.

childrenThe Kingdom Received as Little Children

If the Bible says in Luke 12:32, "For it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom," then why does it also say in Matthew 11:12, that "the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force"? Why do we have to take with violence something that has in fact already been given to us? The King James Version, "suffers violence," means that the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and it continues to do so through every violent opposition and violent aggression in both offense and defense since the "time" or "days" of John the Baptist.

In actuality, the Kingdom of Heaven requires two things:

1) It has to be given to us by God and received by us as little children in order to enter it and for it to enter into us.

2) The Kingdom of Heaven has already been fought for and won for us by Jesus at the cross, but there is also the element of fighting the good fight of faith which must be won by every individual child of God. Each person is responsible for walking out his or her own salvation, and maintain and advance the Kingdom of God in their own lives with their own choices they make.

At the same time, the violent opposition and aggression forces the Kingdom of Heaven to advance within each individual, much like weight training and warfare. The more resistance there is, the more strength and overcoming power is developed within. Without the strength that opposition and resistance cause, there can be no real growth or advancement in the Kingdom of God, which ultimately lies deep within the heart of each believer and every child of God.

The Ultimate Time Travel

In essence, the Spirit of Elijah that was upon John, was much like how Elijah out ran the chariots of God in the Old Testament. John was so on fire for God with ardent zeal, that it propelled him in time to see into the future, where he beheld "The Lamb of God" with his own eyes. John would not have been able to accomplish his mission without this one vital aspect of prophetic foresight. It is what kept him alive and well, aggressively advancing the Kingdom of Heaven until he finished his mission. Then and only then did he die. John saw the excellencies of the glory of God "from another time," descend upon Jesus like a dove. His heart was connected with eternity so much, that he prophetically saw all that he would preach of, speak of, and live for.

"Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

When John said, "behold", the Greek definition says this means to perceive, discern, and discover, as John had been given the privilege to see deeply into the future events of the glories of Heaven, even before the future was ever manifested in the now. This is the ultimate time travel if there ever was one.

John was Ahead of the Times

"We are to advance ahead of the times to bring the realities of Heaven into the manifestation of the here and now."

Simply put, John was a prototype as "ahead of his time." As with this present generation, which is ahead of the times, who will be bold enough and daring enough to travel through the times of God's heart? This means that we are living in a day and age where the power and anointing of God is so present, that we will go ahead in time through prophetic foresight and prepare the way of the Lord, prophetically speaking. That is why the year 2007 is especially the "Year of Heaven" as God has declared it to be so. We are to advance ahead of the times to bring the realities of Heaven into the manifestation of the here and now and into our present time.

Jesus meant what He said back in the day of John the Baptist, and He still means what He says for us today and even for the year 2007. John dared to be different as he pursued the Kingdom of Heaven with the most ardent faith and tenacious perseverance until the day he died. John was a Warrior and a revolutionary that preceded Jesus, as many are doing so today in the same spirit of Elijah. He was dangerous and threatened the powers of darkness through his warfare and violent advancement for the cause of Christ. Heaven would never be the same. John was persecuted and hated by the religious, as well as sinners who could not stomach his message of Truth, but was loved, honored, and adored by Jesus Himself, as family, as a friend, and as his Savior.

John's mission was to pave the way for Jesus, and we learn from his life that Godly violence is not a matter of crime, but rather a matter of love. The real crime is to do nothing, to be passive, to allow apathy to settle in, and to become indifferent to the precious gift of salvation that Jesus poured out with His very life blood. The love of God is the most violent kind of love there is and ever could be. His love was violent enough to snatch each and every one of us from the grips of hell for the simple price of self-surrender. Jesus demonstrated how violent His love for us was, is, and ever will be on the day He died and bled on that cross.

The Kingdom of Heaven Manifested

"We are to keep the flame of our first love burning deep within."

Our challenge now, is to dare to express and violently pursue this same fervency and ardent love for God in the year 2007, and in the years to come, by not giving into passivity and inactivity. We are to keep the flame of our first love burning deep within, which fuels us in the first place, to do what we do in the Name and for the sake of Jesus. John went against the grain of the average person of his day, and far surpassed anyone in pursuit of the Kingdom of Heaven. His eyes were not only focused upon the Kingdom of Heaven, but the eyes of his heart were completely fixed as he gazed upon the one and only Lamb of God.

He perceived that the Kingdom of Heaven was about to split wide open in greater advancement and he allowed himself to decrease as Jesus increased evermore deeply within him. Maybe it was his love for his cousin, or maybe it was his love for his Savior. The violent love of God within John ultimately drove him to the extreme of literally putting his neck on the line for Jesus as a violent forerunner of the Kingdom of Heaven for generations to come. John did not allow passivity, inactivity, apathy, or complacency to rule over him or creep in subtly. If he had, it would have cost him his real life...which was his life in Christ and the preciousness of the life of Christ within him that he redskycherished so deeply.

The Kingdom of Heaven is being manifested, and Jesus is making Heaven real within the hearts of those that He loves.


Reeni Mederos
The Warrior's Cave/Destiny Worship Central, Inc.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Webstore active

Do you want to spread the word about HEAVEN N 07? Check out our BRAND NEW -- WEBSTORE.


May God bless your day AND YEAR