Tuesday, November 13, 2007
November 11, 2007
"The Most Valuable Gift in the Times to Come--Knowledge and Wisdom to Know What to Do"
The Church is going through a transition right now. The form of the Church that has evolved through the last few centuries will not be able to survive the coming times. Like John the Baptist was honored by the Lord, we should honor the Church of the past for all that it has accomplished. But another type of leadership is being raised up that we must now follow. One will decrease and one will increase.
As we have discussed, leadership in a transition is different from the type of leadership that may be effective in other times. The leader in transition must discern the times and know how to respond to them. The Lord had a severe rebuke for those who knew the signs of the weather better than they understood the signs of the times. In recent times, weather forecasting has become increasingly accurate, but, in general, the Church's discernment of the times does not seem to have kept up, but it will. How?
In I Chronicles 12:32, we are told about "...the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do...." Issachar was one of the twelve sons of Jacob which became one of the twelve tribes of Israel. How did this one tribe understand the times and have the wisdom to know what to do? We are given the answer in Genesis 49:14-15, when Jacob is prophesying over his sons. He says this concerning Issachar:
"Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between the sheepfolds. When he saw that a resting place was good, and that the land was pleasant, he bowed his shoulder to bear burdens, and became a slave at forced labor."
Issachar saw that the resting place was good, and he saw the land was pleasant, but he gave himself to doing the hard, practical work, even becoming a slave. This servant's heart enabled the Lord to trust the sons of Issachar with what will be the most valuable gift of all in the times to come--the knowledge of the times and the wisdom to know what to do in them.
Preparation and Discipline
It has been said that in the present information age, information is the most valuable commodity, but accurate information about the future and the wisdom to know what to do with it will soon be many times more valuable than all other forms of information combined. It was this combination of being able to interpret Pharaoh's dream about the future, with a word of wisdom to know what to do about it, that enabled Joseph to be promoted to be the Prime Minister of Egypt in his time. Those who combine these gifts will soon find themselves likewise elevated to high places of influence.
Many people seem to feel called to Joseph's ministry, as I am quite often told by people, but it is rare to find anyone who wants to go through the preparation for this like Joseph did. Not only was he rejected by his brothers, but he was sold into slavery by them. Then, being a slave was not enough discipline--he had to be falsely accused by his master's wife and thrown into the dungeon. Still interested in this type of ministry?
As I have shared often, I have watched many very gifted people go on to bear little fruit in their lives, mostly because they refuse to go through the discipline required to be trusted with high level authority, which is influence. As a general principle, the easier something is to attain, or the quicker, the more insignificant it is. If we really want a significant ministry, it will not likely happen fast or easily. That's why we are told to emulate those who through faith and patience--inherited the promises. The more significant the ministry, the more faith and patience it will likely take to attain it.
It is for this reason that most people, even very gifted people, usually live lives of frustration and regret because they only wanted to do the fun part, often considering themselves above the hard work required to actually bear fruit. These are the ones who may shine brightly for a moment, but then quickly flame out like a meteorite. They simply do not have the substance, the depth of character, knowledge, wisdom, and devotion to work hard to keep the fire burning for long. These usually pass their later years in bitter frustration, living in the past because their present is so shallow and their future so dim.
It requires hard work to be a "son of Issachar," and not many are willing to do it. It was for this reason that the Apostle Paul was actually required to make tents. We may think this was a tragic waste of the great apostle's time, but the Lord would not have trusted him with the great revelations that he was given if he had not been willing to stay moored to the practical, even the mundane, and turn it into worship to the Lord. What we teach, we also have to live if we are true.
Having a vision is the fun part, but there are few who are willing to do the practical and usually hard work that it takes to make the vision a reality. It is also easy to start losing your vision as you get into the details. Don Potter once shared an insight that I thought was very important about King David. David was a prophet, and if he had focused just on that he might have been the greatest prophet of all. He was also a musician and psalmist, and had he just concentrated on that, he might have been the greatest ever, but he was called to be a king and administrator, and that is where he really left his greatest mark. Being a prophet and musician served his ultimate calling, but he kept the main thing the main thing.
Army of Servants
Now most who have never held a position of leadership want to be a king or the top leader, not realizing that the ultimate hard work it takes. There is an unending stream of maddening details that every leader of a significant work must attend to. The glory of human recognition wears off fast, though that seems incomprehensible for those who have not experienced it. Even so, the power can be like a drug, very addictive, and one that will sap your life, which happens to anyone except those who remain Christ's slave.
Although servant leadership is talked about a lot, it is truly rare, and may only be truly found in the Church, but it is actually hard to find there too. Even so, before the end of this age, it will be the only kind found in the Church. True leadership is a burden; it is a cross, and not many are willing to take it up. The leadership of the world is self-seeking and self-serving, and is by far the most common leadership found today, even in the Church.
If you want to know one sign of the times that marks the fact that the end of this age is near, it will be the Church becoming a radical and effective force in the earth. This will begin with a new breed of leadership. The Church will become an army that eclipses any other army in history for power and effectiveness, but to save lives, not take them. We will also see the Church specializing in the way that different departments of the military specialize, while working together like the military instead of competing with each other.
At the same time the Church becomes such a radical force, she will become a Bride without spot or wrinkle. Just as Solomon prophetically foresaw the Bride in Song of Solomon 6:10:
"Who is this that grows like the dawn, as beautiful as the full moon, as pure as the sun, as awesome as an army with banners?"
She will be beautiful and as awesome as an army at the same time. We are about to see both of these characteristics become increasingly manifest. The Church is going to be something beautiful to see, and she is going to be more awesome than any army has ever been.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Fruit & Gifts of the Spirit Intertwined in 2008
John Meyer:
"The Fruit & Gifts of the Spirit Intertwined in 2008--A Look at this Coming Year"
We are now approaching the New Year and an assessment of our individual lives has been going on. Many people have been going to the Lord in this season and have been asking Him to cleanse them deeply of anything that is hindering the flow of His Spirit. They are saying, "Lord, if that is what it will take, then do it!" Just before they walk out of their place of "furnace refinement," God is "brushing off" the ashes of their time well spent in the heat.
It is a time of coming out of the furnace without any of the remnants of defilement trying to hang on, as people walk out and into this New Year of destiny. They have learned well what the works of the flesh can do to the mind, spirit, soul and body. They know that they cannot return to such a place of torment and are determined to remain in obedience and discipline with the Lord. They have learned how to love through the pain and have told "resentment and bitterness" to "stay behind" as they are compelled by the Fruit of the Spirit and His heart of compassion to go forward. It is the time and year that they have been waiting to walk straight into.
A Year of the Kingdom in Operation and in Israel
This coming New Year will be one of many surprises for the Body of Christ and around the world. Yes, there will be conflicts and Middle East chaos as always, but let's take notice of Israel and the Church, as God is going to bring a bond like never before between the two. There will be such a love and adoration for Israel this coming year from the Gentile world that will be heard all over. In fact, there already has been a deep love that has stirred in the hearts of many for God's land and people, but now we are moving towards understanding their needs to the point of action.
I see people getting down into the dirt and removing the damage that has been done physically and spiritually to Israel. There will be assistance coming from all over the world to help this precious land that is so dear to God. It is action in the face of danger--not one of these lovers of Israel will say, "I'm scared." They will know when to move by the Wind of His Spirit, at the right moment, and in time to release what is needed.
There will also be prophetic voices coming directly from Israel stating what the needs are, and these voices will be heard! They will give much knowledge and wisdom in how to assist Israel, so that Israel can receive it in pure love.
Many people from around the globe will look at the Church and say, "What is going on there?" They will take notice in amazement at the moving, breathing and living organism called the Church, which will be doing what it was meant to, all along. People will take notice and be affected by the power of the Kingdom in operation by many individuals who have been through the training of the Lord. Peoples' hearts will be so full of desire for this place of Heavenly movement that they will begin to run towards it, crying, "Yes! Yes! Yes! This is it!"
It is the time where people who've had only "a trickle" of His power before will see and experience it in ways they never thought possible. God's people are being prepared for this new "wineskin" and have been shedding the old that keeps them tied to the world and its effects. This coming year will be proof of that when we all see "Love" coming at us in a full measure with gifts in its hands--it is The Fruit and the Gifts intertwined and released.
The Scoffing and Mocking Spirit
The Lord says, "The scoffing spirit is coming in greater measure." This coming year we will see scoffing and mocking greatly escalate. Many will look on in disbelief at the power of the Gifts of the Spirit & the Fruit combined, and they will openly mock and say that they are "strange spirits or evil spirits in operation." This makes it imperative that we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear what the Spirit is doing and saying.
2 Peter 3:3-4, "First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, 'Where is this "coming" He promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.'"
The Lord and the True Kingdom will be confronting these spirits and the mindsets in individuals all across the world this coming year--and will bring with it a choice. A choice to enter in and partake of the blessing, or choose the curse. The Fruits and the Gifts in the Kingdom will be so present that they will be undeniable, bringing Love that exposes all darkness. Many will have a choice to enter in and deny themselves, or they will choose their own way bringing hardness of heart.
Matthew 24:10-14, "At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
False prophets will continue to arise with a mocking spirit in deep root, and they will continue to be exposed by the true Kingdom of God in operation. The love of many will become even more cold, but the Love of God will become hot in those who are yielded. The Gospel of the Kingdom will begin to be preached in its true form this coming year through those who have yielded to the process of the Furnace of the Lord. There are some who have begun this preaching already, but there will be others who will join together with them to see it happen as a loving family, with no one thinking too highly of themselves. Relationships formed through the fire will be unbreakable and the bond will be cemented through Love.
The Gifts & The Fruit Intertwined
The Lord also says that He will be dealing with the controlling spirit that robs people of His Fruit. He is going to deal with hearts so that they will be given a chance to repent, but His Fruit will be undeniable in its confrontation. Those who will turn from fleshly control will reap the benefits of Kingdom Citizenship the way it is supposed to be.
These Kingdom citizens will join ranks with the message of the Kingdom and will display the Fruits of the Spirit and will release the Gifts of the Spirit in full measure. It will be such that when a team of ministers walk into a given area, demons will scream and run! People will be instantly healed, delivered and set free. These ministers will not have to travail for hours nor scream until their vocal chords collapse. They will merely do like Jesus did...release. They will release the Fruit and Gifts in their words and actions. They will be intertwined and they will become one with one another. It is the prayer of the Son in John 17.
John 17:20-26, "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in Me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as You and I are One--as You are in Me, Father, and I am in You. And may they be in Us so that the world will believe You sent Me.
I have given them the glory you gave Me, so they may be one as We are One. I am in them and You are in Me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love Me. Father, I want these whom You have given Me to be with Me where I am. Then they can see all the glory You gave Me because You loved Me even before the world began!
O righteous Father, the world doesn't know You, but I do; and these disciples know You sent Me. I have revealed You to them, and I will continue to do so. Then Your love for Me will be in them, and I will be in them."
The same glory of the Son is in those who are fully yielded and it is the releasing of His goodness in the earth. It is the Gifts and the Fruit wrapped up into one and given to everyone who will believe. It will be the sign of Who He is to a lost and dying world. In America this coming year, we will see more of what the Kingdom and its system look like in a real and tangible way. Other parts of the world already know what it means to operate in this system and they will be shouting it from the rooftops this year and they will be heard! God is sending these ones to help America, and the understanding will come from Israel herself, as well.
It is not about focusing on one area of blessing anymore. It is about a whole system in operation--it is called the Kingdom of God. The Lord will have His Kingdom established and we are now entering into a level of the promise for all to see.
The Lord is asking, "Are you willing to make the necessary steps in order to establish yourself in the domain I have given to you and release it to those who are in need?"
Matthew 6:10, "May Your Kingdom come soon. May Your will be done here on earth, just as it is in Heaven."
Get ready for an awesome year--for the Gifts and the Fruits of the Kingdom are at hand!
In His readiness,
John Meyer
Voice of One Crying Ministries
Monday, October 8, 2007
October 4, 2007
Ching Co:
"DARKEST BEFORE DAWN: A Message for God's Children"
Ching Co was one of our first contributing writers when the ElijahList began and she currently lives in the Philippines. Ching writes about what many in the Body of Christ have been experiencing in these days--intensified battle! It is a reminder that our ways are not His ways and, of course, God always has a much bigger plan and purpose than what we can "see" and think! This word causes us to lean on God's confirming and reassuring words in Proverbs 3: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
It is not over--for great breakthrough is happening in the Heavenlies as we speak!
Steve Shultz
Founder, ElijahList and ElijahRain magazine
Intensified Battle Going On
"Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi." Matthew 2:16
In the days succeeding Jesus' birth, King Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the magi. He was furious and gave orders to kill all the boys who were two years old and under in Bethlehem and its vicinity, with the intention of stopping Jesus' destiny from being fulfilled.
So the same is happening today.
Satan, sensing that God is planning out something GREAT AND AWESOME is bent on stopping the realization of this great event. Just like Herod, he is on a rampage and is now unleashing his blind rage against God's people.
Our Heavenly Father is reminding us today NOT TO FOCUS ON WHAT IS SEEN. There is a great spiritual Heavenly battle going on and we who are God's warriors and watchmen are in the forefront of this battle. Just like during the times of Job, there is a greater drama unfolding in the Heavenly realm and just as God allowed Job to be tested, so we, His children, have been tested in the same measure.
What To Expect
God's children may experience different spheres of attacks and we may be affected on different levels and in different manners. Some who used to be active in ministry, but because of various circumstances happening in your midst (change of job, physical ailments, family troubles, financial difficulties), may find themselves having to stop doing what they love most, and at times will find themselves holding an empty bag, so to speak.
Others may experience great emotional attack. In the past, you have been moving in such strong anointing and now you may feel empty, detached, uncertain, and wonder if something is wrong with you and wonder if God has removed His protection from over your life.
What His children will experience will parallel what Job had experienced in his time. The area of attack and the intensity of the attack will be such that outwardly, it will appear to be very devastating to the affected ones.
This Is Not the End!
Our Heavenly Father is reminding us today that this is not the end. In fact, compared to the degree of suffering that we have been facing today, the blessing that He is preparing for us is FAR GREATER IN MAGNITUDE AND INTENSITY. This is the reason why the enemy is panicking and unleashing his wrath in such manner and intensity as well.
Beware Of the Spirit of Condemnation
This is the season to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is faithful and He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can bear. We must be careful not to pass judgment and to not make conclusions based on outward appearances. Things will not be as they seem.
Those suffering the most today are not "deserted children," but are the "favored beloved" of the Most High. For truly to whom much is given, much too will be required. And as people of God, when we see others suffering greatly, we are to ask for great wisdom and discernment on how to comfort each other.
We must be aware of the enemy's tactics this season--he will be TWISTING the meaning of much of what we hear and see from one another.
Those believers who are experiencing the fullness of God's blessings in this season must be extra careful with their words, as most times instead of bringing comfort to the suffering ones, it can cause them to feel more insecure, unsure, and even depressed, especially when hearing the words, "You need to have more faith," or "Just believe, etc. "
We must be careful not to act like Job's friends. Their well-meaning exhortation of "the causes of Job's difficulties" were useless then in ministering to Job.
The Weapons of Our Warfare--HONESTY, YIELDING and SURRENDER
Jericho was conquered not by physical fighting, but by silence and praise. So today, the weapons of our warfare will also be nontraditional.
As we struggle through our difficult situations (questions, negative thoughts and feelings that overwhelm us mentally, spiritually and physically, and grasp at why these things are happening to us, trying to make sense of what God is wanting to teach us)--our Loving Wonderful Heavenly Father is reminding us today that HE KNOWS WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH (see Psalm 139).
BE HONEST WITH OUR FEELINGS TO HIM. We need not be afraid to verbalize and express all of our negative emotions (doubts, anxieties, disappointments, questions, anger, frustrations, jealous feelings, etc.). Reading through the Book of Psalms, we can see how God's suffering saints of old had struggles with the same emotions and they were so open in expressing these feelings to God. We need to do the same today.
LETTING GO. We are to daily and continually practice the art of yielding and surrender. As these burdens overwhelm us, let us consciously learn to "pass the ball" back to God. It is not an easy task sometimes to learn and relearn to "live one day at a time."
Beyond What We can Imagine or Perceive
Our Father's message to us today:
"My child, I know what's happening. I know that 'you knew' that I am in control. I know in this season, you don't feel anything, yet your heart continues to trust in Me. I know about all these things and I Am pleased with you.
Don't let the enemy deceive you. He will make you feel unimportant, insignificant, useless, weak, and of no use to Me. But THIS IS FAR FROM THE TRUTH.
Where you are standing now, many times seemingly in the valley of the shadow of death--is where YOU ARE THE STRONGEST. Just like My Son Jesus when He struggled in the garden of Gethsemane, where His sweat became droplets of blood--that was His moment of triumph. So the same is happening to you, today.
Even as you struggle daily to just stay afloat, to just keep things together, to just stay alive--great breakthrough is happening in the Heavenly realm. Your life has become My most powerful weapon of breaking through the spiritual darkness of these times.
So be strong and be of good courage, your labor will not be in vain. I am taking your every sigh, every drop of your tears, and I am using them as powerful weapons to break down the spiritual walls of the enemy. Only in eternity will you fully grasp and see the fullness of your labor and surrender.
I love you dearly, precious one, and I have not forgotten you...remember this, and carve this once again in your hearts and minds today."
Ching Ten L. Co
Cebu City, Philippines
Email: Chingten_co@yahoo.com
Ching's Bio:
Ching Co currently resides in the Philippines, in Cebu City. Ching and her husband, Harry, are accountants by profession, they have four children and attend Word of the World Christian Fellowship.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Diamonds in the 'Rough'...Rising Demand in the Kingdom
September 9, 2007
"Diamonds in the 'Rough' are Rising in Demand in the Jewelry Market and in God's Kingdom!"
2 Corinthians 4:7, "If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That's to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us. As it is, there's not much chance of that. You know for yourselves that we're not much to look at..." (Passage taken from The Message Bible.)
I read an article published on July 28, 2007, by The Wall Street Journal with the title, "'Rough' diamonds -- some looking more like gravel than gems -- edge into the jewelry market." Here are some excerpts taken from that article, "A new look in diamond jewelry is on the rise...Known as rough diamonds, these are the stones in their natural state, before they've been cut with the facets that give diamonds the sparkle, brilliance and clarity they are known for...Luxury consumers are maturing "beyond the 'look at me' phase."
As I read this article, I sensed the Father saying:
"I'll buy that! This is what is happening in My Kingdom this hour concerning My treasures, diamonds and jewels. My people have been so busy trying to get the world to see My glory, My light and My brilliance, and they have been afraid that their 'earthen' vessel would hinder the world from seeing Me."
"But the world is now desiring to see 'spiritual' diamonds in the rough in My people who have some 'earth' in them, so they can relate to someone who doesn't have it altogether and probably never will, yet, they can see something shining forth in these lives in spite of their imperfections. The 'earthiness' of My vessels does not take away from My glory, but actually enhances it to shine all the more brighter."
It's Christ in us Who is the Hope of glory! Colossians 1:27, "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the Hope of glory."
Matthew 6:10, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven." I sense God is looking for some "earth" to manifest His Kingdom in. I sense He is calling His earthen vessels, "diamonds in the rough" to come forth, willing to be real and transparent to this lost world while the Lord patiently works in our lives, changing us from glory to glory. If God saved you and me, He can save anybody!
"Some of My people have hindered My glory from moving throughout the earth. They have become enamored with perfection, waiting to be cut just perfectly before they think the world will see Me in them. Many of My people have become like diamonds waiting to be cut and polished until no earthly resemblance is left in them. Many then get stranded inside of My house thinking if they go into the world, something earthly could stain and cause My shine to fade."
"But now, I am releasing My glory into the earth as I release My diamonds in the rough. Many of these vessels who seem more 'earthy' than others will begin to shine even brighter as My glory pierces through these cracked and seemingly broken vessels. The defects in some earthen vessels will actually give way to more of My glory shining through them."
The most valuable fine cut diamonds in the world can only be seen in museums under lock and key and can never be touched by human hands. Diamonds in the "rough" can turn up anywhere and can be touched by anyone. Be careful who you think has a lot of earth left in them after they are saved...there may be a larger diamond under all that earth!
2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Embracing the Year 5768--Be Simple...
"Embracing the Year 5768--Be Simple and Let this be the Year of the New Beginning!"
Intro by Jessica L. Miller:
Many years ago, when I was in my early thirties, I had a profound prophetic dream that filled me with unquenchable longing for revival (the manifest sustaining presence of God). Though the dream was long and detailed, the following is a small piece of it:
I was walking up a green hill carrying a hard bound book. I reached the top of the hill and stood under a huge majestic oak tree. I realized I was middle aged (which is about now in real time--the dream being 14 years ago). I looked at the book in my hands and saw that it was bound in beautiful elegant cream colored paper. Embossed on the cover in gold was an enormous oak tree (similar to the one I was standing under). In a circle around the oak tree were the words, "The Full Circle of Life," also in gold.
I opened the book and read about my life, about my future and about the greatest revival of all time (a revival with a beginning but with no end). One of the hallmarks of the revival that stood out was "creative miracles"--not just blind eyes opening--but eyes forming where there had been none, and much, much more. I wept as I read the account of the impact that the miraculous would have on the world, and the mind boggling masses of people who would become born again lovers of Jesus as a result.
In all the years that have followed, that dream has never been far from my heart or mind.
As publications manager here at the ElijahList, one of the great things I get to do is chase down prophetic authors for articles. While working on a recent project, I realized we were entering into the time frame of the Jewish New Year 5768. We asked Chuck Pierce for the prophetic meaning of the year 5768, which begins at sundown September 13th. You can imagine my surprise and thrill when he told us this:
"The Year of Samekh Chet...The Year of the Full Circle of Life...A New Beginning Is Yours."
As a prophetic act, we even put an oak tree and those words on the September cover of the ElijahRain magazine.
Due to the incredible importance of the revelation given to Chuck, we are posting this article for our ElijahList readers to be encouraged and strengthened by the significance of this prophetic word.
Jessica L. Miller, Publications Manager
The ElijahList
Email: jmiller@elijahlist.net
Chuck D. Pierce: Embracing the Year 5768--Be Simple and Let this be the Year of the New Beginning!
For years, I have always taken the Hebrew calendar and looked at the meaning of the numbers and prayed for my year to reflect His year! When we are serving the Lord and seeking His Kingdom plan, I believe each year brings new challenges and new joys for each of us. The Hebrew number system has always helped me as I focus each year on decreeing the "best" the Lord has for me and my family and those connected with me. I do not think you have to understand the Hebrew year to know the will of God. However, in Hebrew, numbers have word meanings, which have picture meanings, which have sounds. This brings a fuller perspective than just saying we have entered the year 2008. The Hebraic year 5768, which will encompass the Gregorian calendar's, Year of the Lord 2008 A.D., is the "The Year of Samekh Chet!" That means we are coming into "The Year of the Full Circle of Life--A New Beginning Is Yours!"
Time is an interesting concept. God is not in time as we are in time. Our Father has access to every moment in our lives from beginning to end as though they were the present. By the Holy Spirit, we can actually access those times in our pasts when we felt abandoned, abused, betrayed, fearful, happy, fulfilled, or any other emotion or condition. Not only can the believer be forgiven for the past, he/she can also travel back in time with God, see Him as "a very present help" in the past, and redeem those past times that the enemy wanted to use for evil.
Stepping Into Time
Imagine for a moment that all of eternity is represented by a large piece of paper. This is where God is: unlimited by time and space. Now draw a line on that piece of paper that represents time with a beginning and an end. This line begins when God instituted time at creation, and it will end when God says, "Time's up!" Man lives on the line, while God can step in and out of time according to His purposes and plans. God sees all of time at once and doesn't have to wait for anything to happen; all is present for Him. This is a simplified explanation of a complex idea, but it works.
We, however, must learn to respond to Him within time. We are called to represent Him as ambassadors in our generation. The decisions and actions we take now affect three generations ahead. Therefore, when we know how the Lord wants us to respond and we do so, His glory infiltrates the earth and we see Him change our atmosphere and environment. Because of God's position relative to time, He can--and often does--seem to answer our prayers before they have been uttered!
God has chosen us as the necessary link to bring His will from Heaven to earth. He wants us to commune with Him, listen carefully to His voice, gain prophetic revelation, and decree that revelation into the earth. This will unlock miracles and release His blessings. Once we hear God, we can intercede. We can also prophesy. Prophecy is declaring His mind and His heart. When we receive prophetic revelation, we need to decree the prophetic revelation and then the atmosphere into which we decree goes on "Heaven's time" instead of "earth time."
A Season Of War!
Issachar was the tribe that knew how to move into the new. They were a tribe that understood times and seasons. Consequently, I have tried to present that tribe in the earth today so God's children would know the times we are living in and what we should do to ready ourselves to advance in the earth. We entered a new season of war in the Hebraic year 5762.
Before I share on the year ahead, I felt the necessity of reviewing the last several years. This will give you a good record of how we have gotten to where we are today. By looking at the Hebraic numbers, we can perceive the revelation we need to decree a new thing. Once we decree a thing, we then watch to see God's will manifest. Revelation builds! Revelation overcomes the gates of hell! Revelation gives us the keys to the Kingdom.
Because I could foresee the war season ahead of its onset, I wrote The Future War of the Church to help God's people get prepared with the mindset of the season. This season is very real to most of us now. Here is a summary from a Hebraic perspective of the season we have been living in:
5762/2001-2002: The Beginning of Wars for 7 Years. This was ushered in with the tragedy of September 11, when the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorist activities. This war over God's covenant plan in the earth began. The war over passing the mantle to the next generation began.
5763/2002-2003: A Sabbath Day Rest Year--A time of increasing faith; a year to ride the bull. Changing economic structures began and will fully manifest over the next five years.
5764/2003-2004: The Year of Samekh Hei! A year filled with secrets, mysteries and surprises; a year to run with the horses, gain new strength and roar louder than the roaring lion.
5765/2004-2005: A Year to Circle, Surround and Plunder the Enemy's Camp. A year of violent praise! A year of hurricanes! A time the wind of Heaven brought change in the earth.
5766/2005-2006: The Year of Samekh Vav! A year of staking your claim in the midst of the whirlwind. A time to overthrow old mindsets that have held you captive!
5767/2006-2007: The Year of Samekh Zayin! The year of seven is always a year of completion and fulfillment. This was a time to finish strong. The number seven, Zayin, is a sword with a crown. How you have overcome in the past season causes you to receive favor for your future! The sword is the Word so we are living in a time of the prophetic decrees!
Hebrews equate the passage of time as the life cycle. The Hebrews saw man as participating in two time dimensions. One "age" of time was temporal. We were placed in nature and we interact with the laws of science around us. The other dimension of time was an age to come. 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 says, "However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."
Wisdom is available that God has stored for a time such as this. We can get to a place to gain wisdom that no enemy of hell has access to. From a Hebraic mindset, events that occurred through life created smaller styles of review of a bigger picture of life. When one summed up all of these smaller temporal cycles, the finite age was determined. We are living in a year of "summing up." We are not just living from year to year, but when you look at the season as a whole, you see the Lord doing something in our generation. He is preparing us to move more quickly and advance in Kingdom purpose in days ahead.
The Kingdom Of God Is Moving Forward!
"The Kingdom is ruled by grace and love--not by rules, regulations and laws."
Kingdom life in the earth realm was used to help individuals understand the Kingdom of God. There are two terms throughout the Bible that we must embrace and understand: the "Kingdom of God" and the "Kingdom of Heaven." Anyone who willingly subjects themselves to the sovereign rule of a Holy God is aligned with Kingdom Principles. The "Kingdom of Heaven" represents the rule that God asserts on the earth at any given period in time. This is what links Kingdom understanding to time. John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostles all announced that the Kingdom of God was "at hand." As a matter of fact, the Lord said, "the Kingdom of God is within you." If this is so, then when the King moves, we must move with Him.
The manifested rule of God on the earth is ever-maturing. The Kingdom of God represents God's rule in the earth realm. The King is moving us from "just going to church" to understanding His Kingdom in our territory. He is bringing us into a place of dominion, occupation, and ruling with Him in the spheres and places He has assigned us. Jesus taught so much on the Kingdom. The Kingdom is GOOD NEWS! Kingdom life was proclaimed throughout the three years that we have record of Jesus ministering in the earth realm, with His authority.
The Kingdom is NOT based on needs, since "the poor will always be with us." Jesus gave us a responsibility to work with the poor, orphans, and widows, but on the other hand, He also showed us the necessity to lavishly worship Him as Mary did in John 10.
The Kingdom cannot be controlled by civil government. Through the ages, civil government has made the attempt to govern and rule God's government in the earth. However, the Kingdom is not based on worldly patterns. Another important fact that we must all recognize is that we cannot comprehend the Kingdom by our natural mind. The mind is at enmity with God and longs to be conformed to the world around it. However, as we renew our minds, we break out of worldly conformity and move into seeing Kingdom life in the midst of the societal structures that are molding us.
The Kingdom cannot be obtained by ambition. The exciting thing about the Kingdom is that it cannot be POSTPONED! The Kingdom is filled with power. Over these last two decades, we have seen Kingdom government for the next season of God in the earth realm.
A Kingdom people understand Kingdom grace. The Kingdom is ruled by grace and love--not by rules, regulations and laws. God has appointed Kingdom administrators for every age. We find those gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11-14.
We Are Moving From Glory To Glory--The Year 5768
You are being positioned to make a transition into the next realm of glory. Here are eight key issues that we can look forward to as we enter the Hebraic year 5768 and mature through the year ahead! First of all, the last two years actually come together to form this year's momentum. The two symbols of Vav and Zayin come together to form the symbol for Chet. In other words, the staking your claim and the sword with a crown actually join together to produce your new beginning.
You will begin something new! Even if you refused to shift into a visible new dimension, your present state is your new state. With God, He will meet you where you are and cause you to start new if you yield! You can catch up quickly and gain momentum even if you have resisted change. If you do not yield, your new place will be your old cycle with the old structures reinforced seven times.
The number eight is always linked with "new beginnings!" This Hebrew word is linked with life and being hot! We are entering into a year where we must choose to be hot, filled with passion, so we conceive our future! Choose the fire and the zeal of God!
1. This is a year of manifestation! There will be a physical manifestation of what you have been watching and waiting to see!
2. You can supernaturally transcend your limitations and begin your new era.
3. The land and the Heavens align to create a new Divine Presence in your atmosphere.
4. "Dominion" will be the key word for this year! Rule where you have been positioned. Rule or watch the "wild beasts" gain ground in your land.
5. This is a year that God's people will have great authority over their enemies. The nations against you can be driven out of your land! All squatters must go from your inheritance or they gain "squatters rights" and their encroachment will remain another season. Land is equated to the state of our mind. Therefore, this is the year to transform the mind so we have a new victory mentality in the war season we are living in.
6. Subdue your "animal impulses." Find your place of deliverance and do not let any wild beast enter your highway. Be aggressive to overthrow all poverty mentality! "A lion is on the road, I will hide myself," should not be your theme. Stand firm and face any transgression so you can move down your path! Isaiah 35 is a key for us this year.
7. Exodus 23 is also key this year. God forms His covenant with us to advance into our future destiny. This applies to families, regions and nations. If we have forgotten and rejected His covenant in areas, that will not be a part of our future. We must return and review our covenant roots and realign now!
8. Fasten yourself to the Lord. Don't let the enemy's hook drag you off the stage of your future! Break your orphan spirit! Return to a place of innocence! The secret place calls you forth. Stay in the secret place so you can be sent forth on key missions. The book of John and all of his Epistles are key for our transition this year.
I am writing this article earlier than usual. However, I started thinking of the year ahead at Passover time this past year. I left early one morning and came to the office to seek the Lord. While I was meditating on where we had come from since September 2001 and the year of seven, and looking at various Biblical words linked with the number eight, my wife, Pam, called to share a dream.
You should first know that Pam's favorite Scripture passage is Ephesians 5:8-16, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: 'Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.' See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
To redeem means to "buy back" or "to be released from prison." We have been in a buying--back season. This year we must receive the prize of our battles!
This is the dream she shared: "I woke up slowly this morning, to the sound of singing birds, and it was as though I was walking through a curtain that divided the dream world from the waking world. As I lay there, I began remembering my dream: 'I was with a group of travelers, none of whom I recognized, but I knew they were important to me. We were told we had to take a trip, but we had no luggage, tickets or itinerary. We were standing in a hallway similar to one you might see in an airport, waiting for our departure. Suddenly, this strong wind began to blow down the hallway (wind tunnel) and push us toward the open end of the corridor. As we got closer to the end of the corridor, some kind of portal opened up, but it wasn't like what you see in the science fiction show, Stargate! The light was warm, and as we entered the portal area, we were disembodied and transported to another place. Strangely, the other place didn't look any different than the place we had just been. However, it was not the same place. We were inside a building, made mostly of glass.
We all knew we had to fly to get where we needed to go. Well, none of us knew how to fly, but we just took off and started flying around the lobby. The people in the lobby were amazed and started reaching for us, saying they wanted to fly, too. We knew we needed more momentum to get to where we needed to be, so we landed softly, turned around, and got a running start before launching ourselves from a mini trampoline in the cafe area of the lobby. Instantly, we were outside the building, in a country setting, and we knew our mission: rescue a captive in the nearby village and bring him/her back with us.
The mission itself is still vague, but I remember what happened when we were ready to return. One of the villagers wanted to go with us but knew it wasn't possible, so he gave each of us a tiny jewel case. Mine was a small, gold case encrusted with pearls. Inside the case were bits and pieces of broken jewelry: pearls, gold beads, crystals. Each case had a word on it. The word on the outside of mine was "Simplify." We thanked the one who gave us the gifts, then turned to launch back into the sky for the return trip. That's when the birds woke me up."
5768 Will Be A Year Of Momentum!
The year ahead will not only be a year to begin a fresh season in your life, but 5768 will be a year when the Body of Christ gains momentum. An object with momentum is difficult to stop. To stop such an object, it is necessary to apply a force against its motion for a given period of time. The more momentum which an object has, the less likely to stop its forward motion. Thus, it would require a greater amount of force or a longer amount of time (or both) to bring an object with more momentum to a halt.
As the force acts upon the object for a given amount of time, the object's "velocity" is changed. When a force acts for a given amount of time, an object's "momentum" changes. If the force acts opposite of the object's motion, it slows the object down. If a force acts in the same direction as the object's motion, then the force speeds the object up. Either way, a force will change the velocity of an object.
This will be a year when forces vie for momentum. God will be moving on us! Will we respond to Him? The enemy forces that we have not resisted will be moving with force to slow down a Kingdom that is advancing in the earth realm. We must bind the strongman's operation and gain access to the spoils. We must start moving as the people of God did when they left Egypt and keep moving until we reach the manifested Promise for this generation. We must not allow the voices of fear, unbelief and doubt to stop us from advancing. There will be three 40-day periods when we overthrow major strongholds that are holding treasures captive.
5768 Will Be A Year Of Impulse!
In physics, force when multiplied by time equals the mass multiplied by the change in velocity. This is known as impulse. Impulse is one body, individual or kingdom working against another. Impulse is the effect of force being communicated. This results in motion. Once things get in motion, they are hard to stop. The Body of Christ will advance with great momentum in the year ahead! Impulse can be very negative. We must know what is driving us. The Holy Spirit must be preeminent in our lives. The year of 5768/2008 will be the year that we are driven to accomplish our desires. This will be a year that supernatural power has access to mankind. We must stay under the influence of the Holy Spirit or else other spirits will drive us to agree with the plans of darkness in the earth.
The violent are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by force. There are certain changes in the earth that have occurred in the last seven years and have created motion that cannot be stopped. The kingdom of darkness must give way to the Kingdom of God that is advancing with new strength. The supernatural power of God being released on His people is creating much motion and change in the earth.
We are under the impulsion or driving force of a King who wants to see change in the world today. We must gain momentum now! As we learn to move in our proper spheres of authority in the earth realm, we will harness God's power and then release that power. The year ahead will be a transforming year for God's people. Once we are transformed, we will see cities, regions and nations changed. Harvest fields that are ripe will be entered with great enthusiasm. Do not let carnal impulses guide you!
God will visit you in time. Be expectant to watch for His coming visitation in your life. We are a people on the move. God has a Kingdom that is within us. The Kingdom of God is advancing. We are moving from fellowship into war. We are moving from praise to jubilation as we see a manifestation of His promises in our life cycle. This is a year of transcending and taking back what has been held in captivity. However, remember Pam's word, "Simplify," to go back and forth with ease until the new is established.
To summarize, this will be the year to "Go through the eye of needle!" Remove all and get through your narrow place and into the new!
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries
Monday, August 27, 2007
August 25, 2007
John Meyer:
A Building Process
Many of God's people who have ahold of their purpose and vision inside, are sensing a time of release. They have been behind closed doors, crying, laughing and trembling with their Lord and Savior. They have known what it means to reach the depths of anguish in their souls and minds and have felt at times that they could not go on any longer. They have tried to reach out through conversation to share their pain, but others who listened, could not relate. They've experienced a loneliness that has been physically felt and mentally challenging.
It's been a journey where all one could say is, "I don't know what is going on exactly, but God is good!" All the confessions, professions and proclamations seem to go out, but silence is all that is heard. The journey has been a prophetic process for the prophets and also for those who have been in the "building" process of the Lord, just waiting for their release and assignment on the earth. The season of preparation is often misunderstood by many who go through it. All we want to do sometimes is to get out of the fire, while God Himself is keeping us from leaving. Only He knows the full process of keeping us in the fire--until we walk out looking better, acting better and loving better. Many have tried to run out only to find themselves walking back into the furnace of refinement once again. God has always been in it with us, but somehow we think He has left us there to roast.
The Door is Opening
We are now entering into a time of release for many who have been going through the fire and have grown up in character. Standing on their feet, they hear the Master opening up the furnace door and saying, "It is now time." They are not running like before--they are walking with a maturity and confidence in their Lord, as they come through the door to enter their assignments.
This does not mean that all of a sudden everything will just happen and money will fall out of the trees for people, but what it does mean is that favor will be there when it is needed, with the work of their hands. It means that the weight of the gifting matches the weight of the character and the "appointed time" is now upon them. It means that they will not quickly fall like they used to when temptations come near them.
James understood this process and the importance of "The Wait" for maturity, "James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings. My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" (James 1:1-4).
Many times when we read this Scripture, we automatically think of some major family or financial trial we go through and yes, these are trials. But for those who have been in the process of development, they have also been sorely tested in the battlefield of the mind regarding their calling. Some ponder if they have blown it with sin and wonder if it will happen, or they begin to think that God had never spoken to them in the first place. It is the plan of the enemy and the flesh to get us thinking this way, but patience has a divine and perfect plan.
The patience that has come through the trial, has now been developed to the point of release. It is the patience that is mature and complete--able to withstand testing and truly help others in need.
Mature Enough to Understand Temptation
James 1:12-17, "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
The struggle to sort out what is happening and "who" is doing what to those in process, is often misunderstood and many people have even blamed God for their temptations during development. But, God has brought them to the point of maturity in the fire, where they no longer believe that lie and have now understood that the "Refining Fire" has been burning away their unclean thoughts and desires of wanting the release too soon and doing works in the flesh.
For some, the discipline of the Lord has been grueling and has been an unpleasant experience, and it is totally human to feel that way. Yet as maturity is developed, there is a knowledge and confidence inside, knowing the process produces a harvest of Godly character and peace.
Hebrews 12:11, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
The Time is Now Upon Many
The time is quickly approaching and others will see someone coming out of the Furnace, looking and smelling like God, who they thought would be completely burned up. These are the "unknowns" in society who will enter their callings, full of God's power and wisdom. They will know how to handle difficulties without breaking down emotionally. They will release practical, yet powerful insight from God's Word that will shatter strongholds and liberate the afflicted and oppressed.
It will truly be the demonstration of the Spirit without the "eloquence" of fleshly words being released as Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 2. It is a Supernatural release that will bring young and old to real repentance, because they have seen and have experienced the goodness of God in a tangible way.
For those who have understood the process of "The Wait," be encouraged! Your release is close at hand. Rejoice! For the Lord your God is opening the door of the furnace.
John and Amy Meyer
Voice of One Crying Ministries
Email: kptc@voiceofonecrying.org
John and Amy Meyer's Bio
John and Amy Meyer oversee Voice of One Crying Ministries and have been ministering prophetically to God's people for over a decade. They have been youth pastors, taught prophetic character series together, helped to launch a prophetic training center and are visionaries for Potential Development Centers. These Centers will be designed to develop the whole man and help people to discover and know what their purpose is in The Kingdom, for the last days. John has also served at The Dream Center in Los Angeles in the late 1990's, helping to form intercessory prayer groups and Bible studies.
John and Amy travel and teach people how to come out of rejection and discover their calling in the Kingdom of God. They have a deep desire to see people receive a true prophetic impartation, helping them to launch forward into their purpose and destiny. Currently, they reside in Salem, Oregon and have been involved with home groups in the area.
Monday, August 20, 2007
"The Gift of Woundedness Makes Us Christlike"
"The Gift of Woundedness Makes Us Christlike"
"We cannot become Christlike without experiencing woundedness."
The world and all it contains was created for one purpose: to showcase the grandeur of God's Son. In Jesus, the nature of God is magnificently and perfectly revealed; He is the "express image" of God (Hebrews 1:3). Yet to gaze upon Christ is also to see God's pattern for man. As we seek to be like Him, we discover that our need was created for His sufficiency. We also see that, once the redemptive nature of Christ begins to triumph in our lives, mercy begins to triumph in the world around us.
Becoming Christlike--Wounding is Inevitable
How will we recognize revival when it comes? Behold, here is the awakening we seek: men and women, young and old, all conformed to Jesus. When will revival begin? It starts the moment we say, "Yes" to becoming like Him; it spreads to others as Christ is revealed through us.
Yet to embrace Christ's attitude toward mercy is but a first step in our spiritual growth. The process of being transformed calls us to deeper degrees of transformation. Indeed, just as Jesus learned obedience through the things that He suffered (see Hebrews 5:8), so also must we. And it is here, even while we stand in intercession or service to God--He gives us the gift of woundedness.
"Gift?" you ask. Yes, to be wounded in the service of mercy instead of closing our hearts, will allow woundedness to crown us with love, and will release God's power in redemption. The steadfast prayer of the wounded intercessor holds great sway upon the heart of God.
We cannot become Christlike without experiencing woundedness. You see, even after we come to Christ, we carry encoded within us preset limits concerning how far we will go for love, and how much we are willing to suffer for redemption. The wounding exposes those human boundaries and reveals what we lack of His nature.
The path narrows as we seek true transformation. Indeed, many Christians fall short of Christ's stature because they have been hurt and offended by people. They leave churches discouraged, vowing never again to serve or lead or contribute because, when they offered themselves, their gift was marred by unloving people. To be struck or rejected in the administration of mercy can become a great offense to us, especially as we are waiting for, and even expecting, a reward for our good efforts.
Yet--wounding is inevitable if we are following Christ. Jesus was both "marred" (Isaiah 52:14) and "wounded" (Zechariah 13:6), and if we are sincere in our pursuit of His nature, we will suffer as well. How else will love be perfected?
Let us beware. We either become Christlike and forgive, or we enter a spiritual time warp where we abide continually in the memory of our wounding. Like a systemic disease, the hurtful memories destroy every aspect of our reality. In truth, apart from God, the wounding that life inflicts is incurable. God has decreed that only Christ in us can survive.
Intercessors live on the frontier of change. We are positioned to stand between the needs of man and the provision of God. Because we are the agents of redemption, satan will always seek the means to offend, discourage, silence, or otherwise steal the strength of our prayers. The wounding we receive must be interpreted in light of God's promise to reverse the effects of evil and make them work for our good (see Romans 8:28). Since spiritual assaults are inevitable, we must discover how God uses our wounds as the means to greater power. This was exactly how Christ brought redemption to the world.
Maintaining Love Is the Key
Jesus knew that maintaining love and forgiveness in the midst of suffering was the key that unlocked the power of redemption. Isaiah 53:11 tells us, "By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify the many, as He will bear their iniquities."
Jesus possessed "revelation knowledge" into the mystery of God. He knew that the secret to unleashing world-transforming power was found at the Cross. The terrible offense of the Cross became the place of redemption for the world. Yet, remember, Jesus calls us to a cross as well (see Matthew 16:24). Wounding is simply an altar upon which our sacrifice to God is prepared.
Listen again to Isaiah's prophetic description of Jesus' life. His words, at first, seem startling, but as we read, we discover a most profound truth concerning the power of woundedness. He wrote,
"But the LORD was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief; if He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, and the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand" (Isaiah 53:10).
How did Jesus obtain the power of God's pleasure and have it prosper in His hands? During His times of crushing, woundedness and devastation, instead of retaliating, He rendered Himself "as a guilt offering."
The crushing is not a disaster; it is an opportunity. You see, our purposeful love may or may not touch the sinner's heart, but it always touches the heart of God. We are crushed by people, but we need to allow the crushing to ascend as an offering to God. The far greater benefit is the effect our mercy has on the Father. If we truly want to be instruments of God's good pleasure, then it is redemption, not wrath, that must prosper in our hands.
So, when Christ encounters conflict, even though He is the Lion of Judah, He comes as the Lamb of God. Even when He is outwardly stern, His loving heart is always mindful that He is the "guilt offering." Thus, Jesus not only asks the Father to forgive those who have wounded Him, but also numbers Himself with the transgressors and intercedes for them (see Isaiah 53:12). He does this because the Father takes "no pleasure in the death of the wicked" (Ezekiel 33:11), and it is the pleasure of God that Jesus seeks.
Is this not the wonder and mystery and the power of Christ's Cross? In anguish and sorrow, wounded in heart and soul, still He offered Himself for His executioners' sins. Without visible evidence of success, deemed a sinner and a failure before man, He courageously held true to mercy. In the depth of terrible crushing, He let love attain its most glorious perfection. He uttered the immortal words, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34).
Christ could have escaped. He told Peter as the Romans came to arrest Him, "Do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26:53). In less than a heartbeat, the skies would have been flooded with thousands of warring angels. Yes, Jesus could have escaped, but mankind would have perished. Christ chose to go to hell for us rather than return to Heaven without us. Instead of condemning mankind, He rendered "Himself as a guilt offering" (Isaiah 53:10, italics mine).
Jesus said, "He who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also" (John 14:12). We assume He meant that we would work His miracles, but Jesus did not limit His definition of "works" to the miraculous. The works He did--the redemptive life, the mercy cry, the identification with sinners, rendering Himself a guilt offering--all the works He did, we will "do also."
Thus, because He lives within us, we see that Isaiah 53 does not apply exclusively to Jesus; it also becomes the blueprint for Christ in us. Indeed, was this not part of His reward, that He would see His offspring? (see Isaiah 53:10) Beloved, we are the progeny of Christ.
Afflictions of Love
Read these words from Paul's heart:
"Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the Church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions" (Colossians 1:24).
What did the apostle mean? Did not Christ fully pay mankind's debts once and for all? Did Paul imply that we now take Jesus' place? No, we will never take Jesus' place. It means that Jesus has come to take our place. The Son of God manifests all the aspects of His redemptive, sacrificial life through us. Indeed, "as He is, so also are we in this world" (1 John 4:17).
Paul not only identified with Christ in his personal salvation, but he was also consumed with Christ's purpose. He wrote, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death" (Philippians 3:10).
A wondrous reality is the "fellowship of His sufferings." Here, in choosing to yoke our existence with Christ's purpose, we find true friendship with Jesus. This is intimacy with Christ. The sufferings of Christ are not the sorrows typically endured by mankind; they are the afflictions of love. They bring us closer to Jesus. United with Him, we increase the pleasure of God.
Let's pray: Father, I see You have had no other purpose in my life but to manifest through me the nature of Your Son. I receive the gift of woundedness. In response, in surrender to Christ, I render myself an offering for those You've used to crush me. May the fragrance of my worship remind You of Jesus, and may You forgive, sprinkle and cleanse the world around me.
Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane
Email: francis1@frangipane.org
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
August 13, 2007
Rick Joyner:
"There is no greater freedom than knowing we are in the will of God."
The Church is the Lord's Body, and what He does, He will do through His Church. If we want to be a part of what God is doing, it is fundamental that we find our part in His body and begin functioning in it.
We must also acknowledge that there are many ways in which the contemporary Church reflects the ways and organizations of this world more than the Kingdom of God. However, the Church is going through a most radical transformation at this time. It is so radical that the only way to describe it is metamorphosis, which we have discussed before, but we need to build on this thought a bit, so I will review it briefly here.
Metamorphosis of the Church and Our Mindsets
Metamorphosis is the process that a caterpillar goes through in the cocoon where it enters as a worm and leaves a beautiful butterfly. The Greek word that is the root of this word "metamorphosis" is the word translated "transformed" in Romans 12:2:
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
A caterpillar is a worm that crawls along the earth, conforming to all of the contours of the earth, but a butterfly soars above the earth. This is the transformation that is needed in us, and as it is specifically stated in this verse, the transformation must take place in our minds by the renewing.
Our minds have what are called "mindsets." A mindset is the setting of our mind so that when a word is spoken, we form a certain, definite impression. For example, when the word "Church" is stated, many have a very definite impression of it. For most of us, the Church is in its caterpillar state—the worm that is still conformed to this world. However, that mindset is about to be changed and renewed. Those who see prophetically already see the Church differently. She is about to become a very Heavenly creature, and those who are still looking for her crawling along the ground may miss her as she soars by overhead.
Mindsets can be good and bad. There are mindsets that we should have about such things as the Scriptures being the Word of God which cannot be changed. However, there are a lot of mindsets which are in fact spiritual strongholds--bondages that need to be broken. These are broken by a transformation that is in fact a metamorphosis, which is a process. I know many people who get revelations, but that is just the beginning of a transformation in our thinking which points us in the right direction. Real transformation is a process that requires faith, patience, endurance and focus.
Metamorphosis requires going into a cocoon, which is very confining. Even after the transformation has taken place, the cocoon is very hard to break out of. In fact, breaking out of the cocoon is often the greatest struggle a butterfly will ever go through. However, if it were not for this great struggle, which strengthens the butterfly's wings, it would not be able to flap those big wings and fly.
It is noteworthy that Paul was, "strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, ''Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God'" (Acts 14:22). The mindset that many believers have today would make that message anything but "strengthening" and "encouraging," but for the spiritually mature--it is. The Greek word "tribulations" basically means "pressures" such as the confining pressures of the cocoon. We are strengthened through those constrictions and pressures that the Lord allows to come upon us so that we will be able to soar above this world. Those who want to avoid these trials will be confined as worms to the earth.
There are many Christians who have stayed on the course, making the most of their trials, and they will soar high above the earth. There are many Christians who have not had the wisdom or maturity to do this, and they will always crawl. This is a demarcation which will become increasingly striking in the times ahead. Shortly after that, all Christians will be soaring because those who have not been transformed will not be able to remain Christians.
When the Lord was asked about the signs of the end of the age, He replied, "Woe...to those who nurse babes in those days" (see Matthew 24:19). I would translate this as, "Woe to those who have kept their people in immaturity." For this reason, Romans 12:1-2 is critical for us to hear:
I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Not Conformed to this World
To present our bodies to the Lord as living and holy sacrifices is our spiritual service and worship. The body is the temple of the Lord, and as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, if we continue to defile it, we can expect it to be destroyed. The sins of the body have consequences that will destroy the body. That should be motivation enough, but a higher motivation is a love for God so great, that we want to please Him in all things.
We must resolve not to be conformed to this world. If we do not care more about what God thinks of us than what people think of us, then we are not worthy to be His bride. That is why Paul said in Galatians 1:10, "If I were still seeking to please men I would not be a bond-servant of Christ." The degree to which we are ruled by the compulsion to please men, to be acceptable to men, is the degree to which we will have departed from our service to Christ.
As the Lord Jesus Himself stated in John 5:44, "How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another, and you do not seek the glory that is from the One and only God?" The answer of course is that we cannot believe and have true faith if we are still seeking the glory of men. The word for "glory" in this verse could have been translated "recognition." Our minds cannot be transformed if we are still conforming to this world by seeking the glory or recognition of men rather than the recognition of God.
However, the great promise in Romans 12:1-2 is that if our minds are transformed, we will be able to "prove what the will of God is." There is no greater freedom than knowing we are in the will of God. This allows us to soar high above any of the conditions or problems of this world. This is how Paul and Silas soared in worship even when they were in a dungeon. No dungeon could hold their spirits. If the things of this world are still holding us down, then we have not been transformed.
It is interesting that during the teenage years, there is more pressure to conform to what is considered "the norm" than probably at any other time of life. This is precisely the time of life when our true identity and purpose should be becoming clear, and this pressure from the world seems to be especially strong at this time to keep it from happening. This is also the time when many yokes of bondage are placed on people that keep them bound their entire lives. When you see a generation breaking out of this, willing to be different, having such vision and focus during these years that they cannot be seduced by the ways of this world, you can be sure the end of this age is near because the Bride is here.
So what about folks that are older? Certainly there will be Joshuas and Calebs from the previous generation, but there is also hope for all who are still alive to be a part. There is a renewing that will renew us. We can become young again. That the Bride is "without spot or wrinkle" (see Ephesians 5:27) speaks of her being pure (without spot), and she does not age (no wrinkles!). We can be made young again in the Lord if we will repent and determine that we will not be conformed to this world, but rather be transformed. If we are still living, it is not too late, but we should not waste another day.
We also need to decide if we are going to let all of the previous wounds and disappointments determine who we are, or if we are going to be like Christ, using the Cross to determine who we are, seizing the opportunity to die to ourselves and rise above this world and live in resurrection power. We cannot be resurrected unless we have first died.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Rick Joyner:
"There is no greater freedom than knowing we are in the will of God."
The Church is the Lord's Body, and what He does, He will do through His Church. If we want to be a part of what God is doing, it is fundamental that we find our part in His body and begin functioning in it.
We must also acknowledge that there are many ways in which the contemporary Church reflects the ways and organizations of this world more than the Kingdom of God. However, the Church is going through a most radical transformation at this time. It is so radical that the only way to describe it is metamorphosis, which we have discussed before, but we need to build on this thought a bit, so I will review it briefly here.
Metamorphosis of the Church and Our Mindsets
Metamorphosis is the process that a caterpillar goes through in the cocoon where it enters as a worm and leaves a beautiful butterfly. The Greek word that is the root of this word "metamorphosis" is the word translated "transformed" in Romans 12:2:
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
A caterpillar is a worm that crawls along the earth, conforming to all of the contours of the earth, but a butterfly soars above the earth. This is the transformation that is needed in us, and as it is specifically stated in this verse, the transformation must take place in our minds by the renewing.
Our minds have what are called "mindsets." A mindset is the setting of our mind so that when a word is spoken, we form a certain, definite impression. For example, when the word "Church" is stated, many have a very definite impression of it. For most of us, the Church is in its caterpillar state—the worm that is still conformed to this world. However, that mindset is about to be changed and renewed. Those who see prophetically already see the Church differently. She is about to become a very Heavenly creature, and those who are still looking for her crawling along the ground may miss her as she soars by overhead.
Mindsets can be good and bad. There are mindsets that we should have about such things as the Scriptures being the Word of God which cannot be changed. However, there are a lot of mindsets which are in fact spiritual strongholds--bondages that need to be broken. These are broken by a transformation that is in fact a metamorphosis, which is a process. I know many people who get revelations, but that is just the beginning of a transformation in our thinking which points us in the right direction. Real transformation is a process that requires faith, patience, endurance and focus.
Metamorphosis requires going into a cocoon, which is very confining. Even after the transformation has taken place, the cocoon is very hard to break out of. In fact, breaking out of the cocoon is often the greatest struggle a butterfly will ever go through. However, if it were not for this great struggle, which strengthens the butterfly's wings, it would not be able to flap those big wings and fly.
It is noteworthy that Paul was, "strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, ''Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God'" (Acts 14:22). The mindset that many believers have today would make that message anything but "strengthening" and "encouraging," but for the spiritually mature--it is. The Greek word "tribulations" basically means "pressures" such as the confining pressures of the cocoon. We are strengthened through those constrictions and pressures that the Lord allows to come upon us so that we will be able to soar above this world. Those who want to avoid these trials will be confined as worms to the earth.
There are many Christians who have stayed on the course, making the most of their trials, and they will soar high above the earth. There are many Christians who have not had the wisdom or maturity to do this, and they will always crawl. This is a demarcation which will become increasingly striking in the times ahead. Shortly after that, all Christians will be soaring because those who have not been transformed will not be able to remain Christians.
When the Lord was asked about the signs of the end of the age, He replied, "Woe...to those who nurse babes in those days" (see Matthew 24:19). I would translate this as, "Woe to those who have kept their people in immaturity." For this reason, Romans 12:1-2 is critical for us to hear:
I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Not Conformed to this World
To present our bodies to the Lord as living and holy sacrifices is our spiritual service and worship. The body is the temple of the Lord, and as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, if we continue to defile it, we can expect it to be destroyed. The sins of the body have consequences that will destroy the body. That should be motivation enough, but a higher motivation is a love for God so great, that we want to please Him in all things.
We must resolve not to be conformed to this world. If we do not care more about what God thinks of us than what people think of us, then we are not worthy to be His bride. That is why Paul said in Galatians 1:10, "If I were still seeking to please men I would not be a bond-servant of Christ." The degree to which we are ruled by the compulsion to please men, to be acceptable to men, is the degree to which we will have departed from our service to Christ.
As the Lord Jesus Himself stated in John 5:44, "How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another, and you do not seek the glory that is from the One and only God?" The answer of course is that we cannot believe and have true faith if we are still seeking the glory of men. The word for "glory" in this verse could have been translated "recognition." Our minds cannot be transformed if we are still conforming to this world by seeking the glory or recognition of men rather than the recognition of God.
However, the great promise in Romans 12:1-2 is that if our minds are transformed, we will be able to "prove what the will of God is." There is no greater freedom than knowing we are in the will of God. This allows us to soar high above any of the conditions or problems of this world. This is how Paul and Silas soared in worship even when they were in a dungeon. No dungeon could hold their spirits. If the things of this world are still holding us down, then we have not been transformed.
It is interesting that during the teenage years, there is more pressure to conform to what is considered "the norm" than probably at any other time of life. This is precisely the time of life when our true identity and purpose should be becoming clear, and this pressure from the world seems to be especially strong at this time to keep it from happening. This is also the time when many yokes of bondage are placed on people that keep them bound their entire lives. When you see a generation breaking out of this, willing to be different, having such vision and focus during these years that they cannot be seduced by the ways of this world, you can be sure the end of this age is near because the Bride is here.
So what about folks that are older? Certainly there will be Joshuas and Calebs from the previous generation, but there is also hope for all who are still alive to be a part. There is a renewing that will renew us. We can become young again. That the Bride is "without spot or wrinkle" (see Ephesians 5:27) speaks of her being pure (without spot), and she does not age (no wrinkles!). We can be made young again in the Lord if we will repent and determine that we will not be conformed to this world, but rather be transformed. If we are still living, it is not too late, but we should not waste another day.
We also need to decide if we are going to let all of the previous wounds and disappointments determine who we are, or if we are going to be like Christ, using the Cross to determine who we are, seizing the opportunity to die to ourselves and rise above this world and live in resurrection power. We cannot be resurrected unless we have first died.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The Kingdom and the Church: Rick Joyner: I just had TWO OF THE MOST POWERFUL VISIONS IN YEARS
Rick Joyner: "I just had TWO OF THE MOST POWERFUL VISIONS IN YEARS (about the Kingdom and the Church)"
Rick Joyner : Jul 19, 2007
A few weeks ago, I had two of the most powerful visions I have had in years. I was basically shown the Lord's heart at the beginning of creation and what the main desire of His heart is now. It was His Bride, the Church. From these visions, I understood profoundly that the love He has for His Bride is so impacting that the Church does not exist for the kingdom, but the kingdom exists for the Church. This was a reorientation of my thinking, and I am therefore sharing this with those who have been with me in this study of the kingdom for nearly two years.
This does not change what I have been sharing about the kingdom, but it does change the priority for me. The Lord loves His creation, and He loves the earth. He loves every sparrow, which is why He notices when a single one falls to the ground. However, there is nothing that compares to the love He has for His Bride. The way it was shown to me gave me more resolve than ever to see the Church made ready for Him.
For the Church to come into her purpose, she needs to know her high calling. There are many practical issues that must be addressed, but the most important of all is that she needs to fall so in love with Him that she cannot stand to be apart from Him. The Bride that "makes herself ready" does so out of love for Him, not selfish ambition just to fulfill her own purpose. She needs to see her purpose and delight in it, but it pales in comparison to seeing His glory.
Certainly there is no one in the universe more lovable than God. His ways are so much higher than our most noble devotions that to comprehend Him, in even the smallest way, is transforming. Therefore, the key to the Church rising to the stature to which she is called is for her to behold Him. This is the anointing that I am praying for above anything else—the anointing to point to Him in such a way that the Bride is consumed with the desire for Him. Of course, I cannot impart this without having it in my own heart. Loving God is our first and highest calling. The one who attains the highest calling is the one who loves Him the most.
Those who have read my material know that I have always been a church man. In all that I write or preach, I try to impart a vision for every believer to be a part of the local church. I have done this out of a conviction I was given soon after I became a Christian—that a vital and genuine local church life is essential for true Christian maturity. I have never been more convinced of this, and yet I also know very well how rare it is to find a congregation where this is possible. For the Church and individual Christians to come into their purposes, both must change, and they will.
However, it is much better to be in an immature church than no church at all. In fact, it can be much better to be in an immature church than a mature one. We need all of the frustrations and irritations of church life to become what we are called to be – Christlike. Everyone will love the One who is perfect, but to love the imperfect and patiently give ourselves to helping them is the basic nature that the Lord demonstrated when He walked the earth. For this reason, it is easier for us to mature when we are with the immature. If we are waiting for the Church to get its act together before we join it, she will be so far down the road that we will not be able to catch up!
The kingdom of God is going to come, and His will is going to be done right here on earth just as it is in Heaven. His kingdom on this earth is going to be far more wonderful and glorious than our present language can describe. The earth will be restored to the paradise it was originally created to be, but the Church has an even higher calling. The Church is called to the Heavenly realm, to sit with Him on His throne, ruling and reigning with Him. She will also share His divine nature. The chide has been common toward the spiritual that they are so Heavenly-minded they are not any earthly good; but the fact is that an earthly-minded Christian will not be able to do much good on earth. Until Heaven really is our home, we simply will not have much for the earth.
The Lord has had His people praying for the kingdom to come for nearly twenty centuries now, but it will not come until His Bride is ready. Therefore, the most effective thing we can do to help bring the kingdom is to help the Church become what she has been called to be. She is called to sit with Him in the heavens and to be more at home with Him there than she is here.
I appreciate those who have a heart for the transformation of society, but this transformation with good ideas is very limited without it being accomplished through the Church. The Church is called to be the light that is set on a hill, the great society that compels those who see it to seek the Source of the light. The Church is called to be the kingdom of God on the earth, a society and a culture that is from above, standing out boldly in contrast to the fallen ways of this world, revealing the wisdom and nature of her King. The Church simply cannot fulfill her purpose without community.
In speaking of community, I don't mean that we all have to live next door to each other in the same neighborhood. There is a bonding together into the true fellowship of the saints that transcends location. Earthly families grow up and grow apart, all going their own ways, but the Heavenly family grows closer as it grows up. The Heavenly family will grow until our spiritual bonding transcends the closest human family.
There is a yearning in every Christian's heart for this bonding into the eternal family of God because it is the destiny we were created for.
The Body of Christ is going to start coming together, which is the greatest of all the signs that this is truly the end of the age, because this age cannot end until this happens. When this happens, the Gospel of the kingdom will be preached from the great and impregnable fortress of the kingdom on earth—the Church. Even so, the Lord's own prayers and prophecies for the unity and perfection of His Bride must take place before this age can end.
When the desire for true, New Covenant church life is awakened in the Church, she will start to gather again. When she starts to gather again, the Lord will be in her midst and she will fall far more in love with Him than she is with herself. Christians who respond to the call will begin to experience the ultimate community, but that will not be their main focus—it will be getting close to the Lord. He is an even greater desire of the human heart than community, but we must have community to grow closer to Him.
As the Lord declared in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst." The word translated "gathered" here means much more than just getting together for meetings; it means to be assembled just as the parts of a car are assembled to make a car. Separated, the parts will not be very useful or be able to carry anyone anywhere, but together they can go a long way. This is the same connotation that is found in Hebrews 10:23-25:
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;
and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.
The "assembling together" that we must not forsake is more than just getting together for meetings; it is the assembling together like the parts of the car. Individual parts may be valuable, but until they are properly put together they cannot accomplish anything. It is the same in the Body of Christ.
There is a reason why everyone who came to the Lord in the New Testament was "added to the Church." We should look at the fruit of ministries that may touch a lot of people, but do not build the Church. How much of this fruit remains? When they leave are the people really different? Is the light of the Church really shining brighter? Why is it that studies show there is no measurable difference in the character of those who call themselves Christians and those who do not? Something is truly not working.
This is not to lay the blame for the churches' problems on such evangelists. We should rejoice in all who preach, heal, and in any way are used to touch people in the name of the Lord. It is understandable that many evangelists would be hesitant to send their new converts to churches that they know will lead them only to a dead religion or in other ways drain the life out of these new believers. However, this is why the evangelists of the New Testament were followed by apostles, prophets, and teachers who would build the Church. Until the New Testament ministries learn to work together, much of the fruit will continue to be lost. It is certainly better that these evangelists preach, heal the sick, and turn people toward the Lord than not to do this, but there must be churches raised up where new converts can mature and grow in their relationship to Christ and find their proper place in His Body.
As we are told in I John 4:20, it is not possible to love the Lord and not love our brethren. It is not possible to really love the Lord and not love His Church. If we love Him, we will be compelled to help His Bride become a Bride that our King deserves. She is the greatest desire of His heart, and if His pleasure is the greatest desire of our hearts, we will help her get ready for Him. This is in fact the main way that we can help prepare the way for Him and build a highway for the kingdom.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Email: info@morningstarministries.org
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
July 16, 2007
Kathie Walters:
I had a vision for a good friend just a couple of days ago. This morning when I woke early, I saw it again and then realized that what the Lord had for my friend is also available to you.
In the vision, I saw my friend squatting on the beach in the sand. He was turning over in his hands an old, English threepenny piece. The old threepenny piece was disregarded a long time ago and is no longer relevant for use, even though it's an interesting-looking coin.
As he was playing with the coin, a lovely sailing ship passed by--it had huge white sails and a good wind carrying it.
Just last weekend in Colebrook, NH, I saw the Angel of Change. I have only ever seen him 5 or 6 times in the last 10 years. He comes to anoint people just before changes happen. Do you know that you actually need an anointing for change? Well, the Angel of Change is here, so you can receive the anointing for change and also "catch the wind" or "jump on board."
Several years ago, the Angel of Change appeared in my living room while I was watching a movie (my friend Bunty, from England, was doing some ironing). I saw the angel out of the corner of my eye, and then he suddenly was standing behind me as I sat on the sofa.
He was the biggest angel I had ever seen at the time.
He had in his hands a small silver jug full of oil. He poured the oil over my head. It seemed to turn into a river, and I felt it go down my chest, arms, shoulders, and head, and I slipped out of the sofa onto the floor.
"What are you doing?" Bunty asked.
"Can't you see that angel?"
"No," Bunty replied, "But I can smell oil."
I scooted over and said, "Sit there," pointing to the place on the sofa I just vacated.
Bunty sat there, and the angel poured oil over her head. Next thing I knew, she was sitting on the floor.
There were a couple of people in our office on the floor below, and Bunty went to fetch them. Sure enough, when they sat on the sofa, they ended up on the floor. Well, word got around, and for 3 1/2 weeks, people in my area called my house, asking, "Can we come and sit on the sofa?"
"Help yourself," I would respond.
Suddenly, the angel went away. "What was that all about?" you may ask. I am not sure--I didn't invite the angel, and I didn't ask him to do anything. I did, however, notice one thing: during the following weeks, most of the people who had sat on my sofa received a major, direction-changing word for their lives. That was the first time the Angel of Change appeared to me.
The problem with being around prophetic people is that they are always trying to get you to move on--out of your comfort zone. It can get cozy there, can't it? Have you ever been "out on a limb" as the saying goes? Actually, it's not hard to go out on a limb, because you can crawl back to the tree. When you get out there on the limb, and then you hear the sound of the saw behind you, that's when you have to believe that underneath are the Everlasting Arms!
God doesn't push, but He does give invitations and make opportunities. Don't let them pass you by. Don't fiddle around, playing with old things that are really redundant right now in your life, like the threepenny piece--old things that are no longer valuable currency in the Kingdom.
Yes, maybe you'll have to stretch your faith and maybe leave some things (or people) behind.
Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). You live today by the word you receive today. You can't live on yesterday's manna.
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Sometimes we dig in our heels because we have preconceived mindsets.
DON'T MISS THE SHIP...Don't Let It Pass On By
A friend who came on a trip to Ireland a New Year's ago was desperate--he knew he should come but had no money. At the last minute, he borrowed his brother's credit card. Well that doesn't sound very spiritual, but you can't put God in a box either. When he got back, his brother was waiting, amazed. An uncle had decided to pay off everyone's credit cards in the family!
Am I advocating putting everything on a credit card? Of course not. But on the other hand, you need to listen. Maybe you have some mindsets, and God wants to break the concrete over your mind.
Don't miss the ship; don't let it pass on by. Windows open and close. Doors open and shut. Sometimes it can be a long time before that window opens again.
Welcome the Angel of change. Sure, he might make you a bit uncomfortable, but what do you want? Do you want to stay where you are and go in circles, doing "good" things, and miss the GOD thing?
I was in a meeting one time, and I had a vision of a door. The Lord told me that there were people there who were asking God to open a door. I saw a few people actually leaning against the door, some were busy a little further away, but they were keeping an eye on the door. Others were busy doing good stuff, but they were oblivious of the door.
Suddenly, this door opened, and the people leaning on it fell through it; the others a little further away made a dash for it. The very busy ones didn't even know it had opened!
That week, my daughter, Lisa, who wanted to go work on Capitol Hill, had an invite, but she only had one day to decide and take the opportunity. Fortunately, she was leaning against the door, and she fell through it when it opened.
Another young girl in that meeting was waiting for an opportunity to go to England. She only had a certain amount of money, not enough for a ticket. On Tuesday, the Lord told her to call British Airways. Guess what? They had a 24-hour ticket sale. That door opened and closed in a day, but she fell through it.
CHANGES ARE GOOD FOR YOUR HEART--Good for Your Soul, Good for Your Spirit.
That ship I saw, "The Opportunity," looked very inviting, but it was going quite fast because it had a purpose and destiny. Jump on board. Do something I sometimes do in my meetings: Get all your loose change and strew it on the floor, then get a praise CD going and dance on change. That way you are saying, "I'm ready and willing, and God is able."
There are two things you can do with change: 1) Embrace change and have an adventure, or 2) resist change, and you know, that can be painful.
God is planning for you--even while you sleep.
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
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